Tree of Savior Forum

Bruiser Fencer Build

hey guys i’ve been wanting to make a fencer after seeing some video’s but i want to stay away from the “squishy” side and be a bit more bruiser. if i were to put it in a few words. a Fencer that has CC + Survivability built in her kit not just a parry. i have brought you 3 builds i’ve been thinking about.

1st Build: (COMMON BUILD)SM3 x Pelt 1 x Cors 1 x Fencer 3

2nd Build: (40% gaurdian buff) SM2 x Rod 2 x Cors 1 x Fencer 3

3rd Build: (Montano /Shield charge/ Shield Bash / 25% guardian stance ) SM 2 x Pelt 1 x Rod 2 x Cors 1 x Fencer2

It’s mostly for PVP and apparently since the changes most of ur stats come off ur wep & so i would also like some assistance with stat allocation.

normally i was thinking of doing 150 con / 90 str / 90 Dex but apparently that is way too much into con. I’d like have high HP. good base dmg & DEX required to be good DPS. ( i am only counting points you get from hitting 1-330 not any bonus PTS you get from equip/events ) - Those will be put into offensive DEX or STR.

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