Tree of Savior Forum

💔 Most of new players will probably immediately quit as soon as they reach Tenet Church B1

Can somebody tell me if bots are worse in Telsia than Varena?

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90% of the people responding here are clearly 15 year olds but this is a serious issue.

One class heavily affectd by this is Linker, Linker advancement requires collecting Galok blood. There is no direction as to where on 1F to find the spawn.

Newbies are just going to quit when they can’t advance.

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Hey look we got an “adult” here


Just one of the bot setups I see is imagine a square spot with one bot at each corner and one in the middle, changing channels, attacking anything as soon as it spawns.

Then there are the duo cleric setups wherein they go around in pairs.

Then the ghost archer setup with arrows just flying around. You can’t even report them because you can’t f*cking see them - either they’re behind the walls, below the ground, or up above.

Then there’s the super AOE swordsmen bots that just hits everything on screen.

There’s also the can’t-afford-paid-bots who use macro programs to set a farming route and have it repeating - these guys are easy to detect since they’ll try to hit anvils and if their route gets disrupted they eventually would just keep running into the edge of the map. Here’s an example:

They should just aggressively tackle the bots… the game has an average playerbase of 5k right now + bots (some get counted within those 5k, others do not as they Bypass steam to run multiple on the same pc and are not tracked in the 5k)

Make weekly events where players receive extras when they Report bots
Make all players hunt them down and ban them straight away… they are easy to spot anyway… almost only tphacking archers with keyboardsmashed names
Like 1-2 tp each successfully banned bot

Also they should just buy a copy of the botsoftwares and study them if they don’t do this already…

To the glizardons and so on: most of the farmed Mobs appear in dungeons… let the Mobs in dungeons drop the loot aswell and increased ratio

^ THIS. Either they already did but still can’t figure out how to counter them for some reason, or they just never cared enough.

Awooo want to be adult in a game made for kids…

i should invite my grandpa to play TOS

wait, grandpa would die from disappointment/bugs/bot/reroll

TOS so hardcore only Awooooo and the likes would play



It just hit me, but can the 50dg Galoks drop that class up quest item? since they still count in the monster diary kills.
Has anyone tried?

The reason it has grown to be a problem is very simple, because the problem shrunk to near nothing for a while when they cracked down on it.

It’s pretty clear that they had a time period where they were being very active at getting rid of them, and since then because there weren’t many to sustain the same level of moderation they have scaled back on manpower addressing the problem.

It is time to increase the manpower addressing the problem like previousy because with the advent of exploits they’re a problem again. Every bot in Miner’s and Tenet is using hook64. They’re all swordsman bots doing large aoe hits with every auto attack like BlueDragon or whatever that guy’s name was.

The point about people acting like children is simply that acting like rude little children doesn’t achieve anything. It just bothers people.

As for copy paste support responses, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. I don’t know what more people want from a bot report. Seriously, tell me what you’re looking for? Do you want them to find a unique and deeply personal way to say thank you for the report and that they will look into it for every single bot report? What more could possibly be expected? What a giant waste of time and resources that would be when a copy paste achieves exactly the same result.

Possibly. The dungeon would be about 10 levels above you though, you reach the first Linker advancement around level 40-42. Most people could card it, but it’s not something newbies could know about :confused:

everyone know whats the reason

what we dont know is, WTF IMC gonna do to fix this mess ?

tenet was infested with bot since the game launch


Naw. There have definitely been periods of time where the bot situation vastly improved. You can see that in the responses to people coming back to the game.

Right now I agree that the situation has deteriorated again though. At least for a number of maps below level 50, a few unusual higher level maps like Vilnis Forest, and Dina Bee bots have been out of control for a month or so now.

I reported a bot called Valet with videos multiple times in a different thread. I gave up in the end. I see that user playing pvp all the time still, unfortunately.

Whatever procedure they currently have is probably mislabelling a lot of botters as normal users. Or IMC are simply not able to police bots at certain times of day so when they come to investigate these users they are using their accounts legitimately instead of in bot-mode.

good, so why change something not broken?

they reduced the channel down to 3, no?
changed galok spawn time/quantity, no?

i think my swordman3 class change require to kill Galok as well.

anyway, the issue is not which forumer reply is more adult-like, who is acting like kids

we havent heard a word from IMC ever since they reduced the channel!

tag your favourite GM please coz im blacklisted, GM dont listen to troll anymore, huehuehue! (totally worth it~)

atleast(gm please) acknowledge the situation, no?


Resources probably. After the situation improved the people assigned to anti-bot duty were probably sitting around not doing very much, so they got moved to other things.

do we care their reasons?

we just want resolution!

is this no longer business?
are we not customer?


I don’t know if I can entirely agree that customers of videogames have an entitlement towards changing any of the mechanics of the game, or demanding resources be spent on any particular task when they have no insight to the scale or resources involved.

You have an entitlement to what you purchased.

What did you purchase?



(sorry, i just have to insert that joke there)

welp, on galok case, its a valid concern, no?
voicing on valid issue, no matter how repetitive, is still a valid feedback, no?

if IMC need 1year to address to this matter, we will keep giving feedback until its fixed, no?


I’m starting to think IMC isn’t finding any problem with revenue (even if the reduction of channels might say otherwise), so much that it isn’t even necessary to take care of this bot issue.

The purchase of TP might still be increasing as they see on their end that they probably don’t see how investing resources in combating bots is even worth it.

Some people are still buying stuff from the TP shop anyways no matter how bot-infested this game has become.

I’ve said this in another thread before and I’ll say it again:

They have product A (TP shop stuff e.g. costumes, mounts, etc.) that are raking them in profit in a short amount of time. They also have product B (existing content, new content e.g. maps, quests, etc.) which required more resources to make than product A but they notice that their revenue didn’t significantly improve with this product.

At some point, product B breaks (bot outbreak, rampant hacks and exploits). Considering that even if it gets fixed it won’t still give good ROI compared to making product A better or making another product similar to product A - which do you think would be worth for them to invest in more?

- Tree of costumes and mounts


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