Tree of Savior Forum

💔 Most of new players will probably immediately quit as soon as they reach Tenet Church B1

This should be solved once expantion comes and nobody cares about glad bands anymore?

Same crap happening in Orsha as well. The servers are pretty empty so bots are pretty obvious in the tenet channels. All floors, all maps in neighbouring fields, just BS wherever farming happens.


Not the point. The point is that the bots are clearly visible, and don’t even make the attempt to pretend they are human. Not only that, they are in such numbers, that to a new player, it gives the message that either a) its allowed, or b) game is in maintenance mode so devs don’t give a damn.

New player won’t come to forum to check banlists. New player won’t report bots either. They will probably try and contact an ingame GM and then…oh wait…

They should just make a vendor that sells red orbs for a special monster. High defense, high magic resist, world boss hp and doesn’t drop loot. Can even do 0 damage and make the bots attack it forever. Its not the same as being able to kill the bots but this way the bots don’t get free via respawning either? And no actual player deaths.


This is really problem that IMC need to be fixed.
I understand bot is use every game but this is crazy.
It is true that IMC has ban a lot of bot but i believe that gold seller can creat bot faster than IMC can ban it.
Bot army really killing this game.
Every map that have a lot if spawn monster there will be bot there.
This gold seller organize must be really rich from this point and i starting to believe that IMC will get some benefit from this bot someway or somehow.
Tenet church b1 is really crazy must be more than 100 of bots gm should go there and check some or gm should creat new character and play. you will know real problem.
Please fix this


Want the real Truth? #QuitBuyingSilverAndSupportingThem.

Silver farming bots are usually company/website owned. If a company sells flowers but no one buys those flowers, they tend to try a different corner. This corner is bustling because they’re being supplied with the cash flow.

On topic; Yes, It can be discouraging and frustrating for a new player to run into these armies, but the thing is; MOST times I go in, it’s not the same bots. IMC does ban them, but they’ll never be able to keep up.

The bots aren’t trying to act human, or hide, because they’re bots in a very simplistic game which makes even normal players look like bots.

In My Opinion: Bots are not killing this game. Lack of advertising, and FPS issues are. One can be relatively easily fixed, the other not so much. I say this because on Klaipeda we have a few bots, specially in the Tenet areas, but as someone who has 14 Alts now, they have maybe gave me trouble once. Class quest included. The funny part, fighting those bots being annoying doesn’t bother me. It’s how ugly they can make the environment feel. I still don’t think or attribute bots to a major factor in the demise of players.

Unless of course they are new to MMO’s in general. Wow has thousands of Bots. But WoW isn’t a click and point game that makes it extremely obvious.

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Moved doing quests to Orsha side. Met the same problem again once I reached Dadan Jungle and started at Novaha.

The maps are empty…

#…of freaking mobs because bots are clearing them too fast and changing channels!

Quests are taking longer to do compared to months before. :joy_cat: Why are bots even there? I don’t think there are any rares there.

* sigh *

While I was in Nevellet Quarry 2F, I’ve also noticed that bots are now using upgraded equipments, some even slotted with gems.

A few I’ve seen wearing enchanted headgears! Whoooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the f. They still have the gibberish names though.

I suspect they’re alt accounts, being leveled, and once they hit high levels, they’re either sold as accounts (ez team name change) or continued to be used as bots to farm rares at high level maps - like this guy which is still probably happily botting even when being reported for almost a month now:

I even saw one for the first time with a Archer3 Scout2 build, probably going Scout3 for that 145 dungeon silver farmer build. Should we expect “dungeon-excess-thingy” errors returning in a few weeks again? F*ck casuals, this is “Tree of broken spacebars”!

IMC should probably just announce that botting is OK, perhaps pseudo-legal (e.g. they’ll just stop with the ban lists except for gold sellers), so we can move on to the other pressing issues. :confused: /sarcasm

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Tree of Savior is a hardcore game. Dealing with legions of bots every time you reroll or even start out is part of the hardcore experience!


hahaha sohardcore.jpg

I’ve rolled a lot of characters through my time in ToS. 14 at this point. Just made 3 new characters in the last 3 weeks. There is a lot of bots, specially the new archer ones who shoot through walls and don’t actually show their x-bow even shooting, just an arrow comes out of em, BUT, they kill very slow. So it’s quite easy to surpass them. I don’t think a Bot has ever outdone me or cause much of a problem to me on Kliapeda.

Now, as I’ve stated I don’t find them to hinder my progress; I do find them to be extremely ugly to the games presence. If I was a new player I would be totally disgusted and would probably lose interest not knowing that most Bots tend to vanish the higher you go.

Every time I pass through Tenet Areas I report the Bots as I go. Usually within an hour or so, they’re gone. Come back a day or two later and a new army has arrived, but they are being taken care of, if someone with a high ACII comes a long and reports them at-least. Hard to keep bots out of a game where the silver buying is high and the doors always open.

"They are gone"
Yes, to sweep another area.

They have some sort of route. Not quite sure where they usually go but Tenet is one of them. They will pass through that area, do some cleanings and continue their journey. Usually you will see the cleric bots at area up to +20 of their level. The archer bots though…they will often appear at lower level area. I usually find like lv100 archer bots at lv60 areas.

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I thought that as well. That they were just moving area’s, but last round I did it, the entire Tenet area, including borh floors was 100% bot free, or least the Archers which I most commonly report because of ranged. The cleric bots are a joke, and to an extent even the archers are because they hit like wet noodles. Didn’t see em start popping back up til the next day.

IMC does ban the bots when reported by someone with a high ACII(?) value or least it very well seems that way. There’s been quite a few other experiences with certian bots I’ve flaggged when they’ve been sitting for weeks, and a few hours later they’re gone and haven’t seen em since. shrug

I just spent the last week creating a new separate steam/tos account and the past 7 days was more of a trainwreck then it was in April. Not only are the bots everywhere, they no longer give a fuc*. There are 5 archer bots in every channel using the infinite attack range hacks, they simply stand in 1 spot and AA everything within 10 screens to death. There are packs of highlander bots using the same range hacks combined with altered aoe ratio hacks clearing maps. Then you have your usual chaplin bots scouring the usual maps such as tenet church, feretory hills, manahas etc etc.
Now combine the 1000s of bots using blatent illegal hacks with the 1000s of lv280 afk necro and sorc farmers, and sprinkle the fact that new players also cant use the auction house or trade for an entire week and you have the recipe for 9/10 of every new player quitting before their 1st week is up.


Wasn’t there a long winded “statistics” thread about new players coming in all the time? I would say 90% of those new accounts are automated by bots.


The cleric bots are kinda cute. They will buff you if you keep kill steal…now that we have those annoying attack range hacker bots, these normal non-hack bots are not even bothered anymore…

I’m a new player to this game just play about 49 hrs.

I admit that after 3 days of playing this game It was very annoying.

I already Delete and create my character 4 or 5 times from skills and stats and class choose mistake.

Run through same style quests over and over "Kill that xxx 20 times "

I accepted that and enjoy it

Yesterday was my first time at Tenet Church

I was like " BOT BOT BOTS everywhere "

They act fast 1KO hit and can shoot very long range

I can’t do quest I can’t play at all.

I logout of the game and after 3-4 hrs login hope they all gone but no

they still there.

It’s already hard for new player like me that can’t buy anything in the Market ( I don’t know the reason of this but I just want new Lv 15 weapon - - )

Today I didn’t login yet I lose my motivation to play.

May be I wait until next Monday when I can use Market to buy new weapon and just hope at that time I’m not lost interest in this game.


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just put a cooldown timer every 5minutes u can kill one, just like the 8 hour world boss debuff, lol

and when u have that 5minutes debuff, u cant attack galok, but other mobs

Can somebody tell me if bots are worse in Telsia than Varena?

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