Tree of Savior Forum

Bring Back Boruta

The Best In Slot card for Legend Cards currently is Slogutis, which is made by combining 10 extremely hard to get Rings with a Giltine Card. The Giltine Card is made by combining 10 extremely difficult to get items with a Boruta Card, and the Boruta card is currently unobtainable. What exists within the server you are on atm, it all that can exist. Because Boruta was senselessly removed from Leticia cubes, the only way to get it previously.

IMC adds amazing new cards like Merregina, but that doesn’t compare at all to Slogutis, and there are weekly DPS ratings riding on this ■■■■. People complain about new classes and the gap they create and they are right, but the biggest gaps amongst players are caused by this card upgrade line, and Seals.

I’d say add Boruta back to P2W box so other players have a chance to catch up, but I think with seals also being an issue maybe instead of a crummy candle lady raid or the out of no where crystal golem raid, maybe Boruta should come back in a more normal way. Let us obtain the card by playing the game rather than gambling real money.

Either way, it’s unacceptable that the card has been removed from the game for almost a year now and it’s been left in other players inventories this whole time. You can never out DPS the guy with Slogutis unless you also have Slogutis and you can’t get Slogutis anymore unless you find someone crazy enough to sell you Boruta and then do 1 of the 2 hardest grinds in this games history.

10 rings? How about 20

Since we got the card last year (Boruta) in an event it will probably come back in the same event this year. And apparently you will be able to get the Glimpses from events now. So if we start farming merc badges now and get those two level 10 cards, in a few months we will probably be able to get a Giltine card. Concerning Slogutis we peasants can simply forget about that…

Worse than Boruta card is Boruta seal. It’s old stuff now and we still don’t have access to the +5 upgrade unless being lucky af which is an absurd shithole of a system. At this point there is no way to replace mats that would take decades to farm again, so the fail rate on upgrading seals should go away…

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