Tree of Savior Forum

Bought the founders but worried about too much diversity etc

I certainly do not think that I have any right to object to seeing new servers open in new locations, but it does make me sad that latency is critical enough of an issue to warrant what amounts to cultural separation. Some of my best MMO experiences have been with people from all over the world playing together. I think that I’m in the minority when I say that I actually like seeing people speaking in different languages, even if I don’t understand them. When you do get the opportunity to communicate, sometimes the cultural differences make for some very interesting conversations.

Come play on EU then with us! Just let us please have our own EU server so if it really is so bad we have a place we can be sure to have fun…

Typically when a game like this, which has some regional licensing, has an international version (which this is, this is ITOS, international tree of savior), that international version is everyone together. So i dont see where the expectation of a EU server comes from. In some cases you need regional servers, in others you dont. Other than the QS issue, which honestly would be an issue even with regional servers because not everywhere has the amazing internet quality that korea does, this is just a typical mmo where you dont need sub 100ms latency to do good. Anything under 300 is probably good, provided no packet loss.

Allow me to explain then.

Forum name “Tree of Savior”
Steam name “Tree of Savior”
Google “Tree of Savior”

Tree of Savior
Tree of Savior Game
Tree of Savior subreddit
Tree of Savior Fan Base
Tree of Savior Game - Facebook

Starting to see the pattern?

Where does this ‘iToS’ come from? Is it something that the players made up? I haven’t even seen a mod post written as ‘iToS’.

People who come from Europe at the very least expect an EU server. It’s just a given, and it makes no sense to force everyone to play on NA servers when something like 65% of the people playing don’t live anywhere near NA.

Call it iToS if you want, but it’s not explained like this, or even clearly at all that there’s just ONE server to play on and that it’s in NA. Everywhere else it’s linked as ToS / Tree of Savior.

Convention. This game has a lot of regional licensing and one non regional version. This is always referred to as international version in this sort of mmo. It is a common thing and longstanding custom. The semantics aside, typically any regional servers for this kind of system is handled by regional publishers. This version is the safety net that catches everyone else. They usualy do not spread servers all over the world in cases like this unless the game type really demands it.

Thats just the precedent. This is not the ‘NA server’. This is the game server, it happens to be hosted in the US. EVEs servers happen to be hosted in britain last i checked, you dont see people complaining there is no more local one in america.


So you’re meaning to say the “people that bring bad behavior” are coming from mostly any region but your own?

Just asking.


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There’s bad behavior in every region. It just sort of gets worse when you mix the regions. There’s going to be alot of stereotyping and racism as a result of that. People are going to get angry when someone speaks in a non English language in a public chat.

I want to play with all kind and nice people. Culture shock may occur few times but if we love each other and have tolerance, that wont be a problem. Well, I mean with non toxic players though.


Diversity is what makes MMOS FUN.


disable world chat and open region chat

Well…In MMO’s you are bound to see different people, from different countries, with different languages, with different backgrounds. For me that is the best part of MMO’s and that is what keep me in this game genre for so long. I understand ping can be a crucial factor in gameplay, but when servers like this appear we have a chance to shoot down physical borders and learn a lot about other cultures.


Learn to accept people different from you. If you don’t like someone, just ignore him. I can guarantee you’d have a hell of a time getting to know people from a different culture. That’s how we broaden our understanding of the world, not by just sticking with the kind of person we’re familiar with.


I’ve never seen someone say anything was too diverse other than as a cover for racism.Which is what this sounds like,with the way you talk about it.

This version of Tree of Savior has the word international in it.Do you actually know what that means? I don’t think you do.

Say what you want,but what you want from this game and what it’s actually going to be like are two very different things.Consider waiting for an EU server,or a region exclusive game.


Been in LoL EuNE, EuW and NA, all are as cancerous as they can be, they are moba’s though, mobas baits cancer. Finding nice people in any moba is something i find to be very rare.

One mistake? Worse “character name of the server”:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
^Last time that happened to me was in NA

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Diversity itself never caused problems. It’s people who slander that’s the problem. Even if you remove diversity by going local, people would still split into some kind of group and either blow their own trumpet or throw dirt at others. Some don’t even belong to a group and simply berate another group for attention or whatever insensible reason they have.

It’s not diversity that causes the trouble, it’s just people who have nothing better to do.


So you dont mean the people, but everything they are… thats reassuring then cause at first your sentence seemed only racist, now it seems like its a page from a fascist guide book.

I have played along with the cream of the stereotypes from russians to brazilians. I had gamed together with gypsies, with jews, with people from frikin south africa.
Do you know what i can tell you? Trolls and frustrating people exist everywhere, and while some nations may have more of them than others, it fundamentally does not matter who is playing from where, because inside a game we are not nations, cultures, ethnic groups. We are gamers.

If i really wanted to, i could see a moot point in what you are trying to say, but i dont even want to do that. No, you do not have to like them. Nobody said that. However, starting fascist threads on forums on how you prefer secularism over multiculturalism INSIDE AN MMO is first of all racist and second: its mentally unhinged.

If the game matters less to you than the fact of who are playing it, you are not a gamer. In fact, i have no idea what the hell you have lost in here.


I played iRO. And needless to say it was a completely opposite experience of the one you seem to of had.

This might shock you, but a lot of people don’t even consider the possibility that the people they are interacting with on the net might be children.

Indeed it is. But you wont really get different results with/without a region lock. The only real difference there would be is a potential language barier. Which will be there regardless for any EU region server.

Im not sure how you can claim a long time internet usage when you say this. Surely you realise this is EXACTLY what internet interaction is like?
Or even RL interaction for that matter.

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I’m approaching 30 and I’ve found that I make a general assumption that I’m probably older than most people I play games with. It’s funny though, when I meet older people they’re often the more memorable. I remember a couple in their late 50’s, one lived in Washington state and the other in Canada and he would drive across the border every weekend when she would cook tacos.

Why would people complain that there isn’t a specific NA version when the servers ARE hosted in NA? That makes no sense. Also I disagree with your statement of “this is always referred to as the international version”. In absolutely no case what-so-ever is it remotely obvious that this game is an ‘international’ version, especially if you’ve only found it on Steam, regardless of whether or not you agree.

EU servers are worse for the very reason OP says.

All these random Germans, French, Russians, whatever-the-the-rest-are-ians flood the chat with random language stuff - and make all these crappy jokes.

Don’t worry we hate your jokes even more and we don’t want to see Portuguese and Spanish in our chats either (because we don’t understand those languages). But hey thanks for showing us how xenophobic and racist you are!

Learn to accept people different from you. If you don’t like someone, just ignore him. I can guarantee you’d have a hell of a time getting to know people from a different culture. That’s how we broaden our understanding of the world, not by just sticking with the kind of person we’re familiar with.

This has nothing to do with my topic. There are various cultural, geographical and localised issues to face if we don’t get an EU server. Telling us to just ‘tolerate’ each other is a really lazy and narrow minded mentality and if that is your only rebuttal then that’s not remotely a good enough reason for us to not have an EU server.

I’ve never seen someone say anything was too diverse other than as a cover for racism.Which is what this sounds like,with the way you talk about it.

This version of Tree of Savior has the word international in it.Do you actually know what that means? I don’t think you do.
Say what you want,but what you want from this game and what it’s actually going to be like are two very different things.Consider waiting for an EU server,or a region exclusive game.

I am waiting for an EU server. Also it seems that you didn’t remotely read any of the posts above your own. The amount of times that this game has been referred to as an ‘international’ version is few and far in between, just as it hasn’t very well been advertised as much. Practically everyone is expecting an EU server hence all the backlash and complaining from EU residents.

If the game matters less to you than the fact of who are playing it, you are not a gamer. In fact, i have no idea what the hell you have lost in here.

Spare me your insipid immature melodrama which is really just your opinion vs. mine. I told you the first time that I couldn’t care less what you think of me. Your attitude in the forums here is toxic and pathetic and I don’t know why you insist on posting constant tripe and procrastinating at every given opportunity. No one seriously cares about your rants.

You wont really get different results with/without a region lock. The only real difference there would be is a potential language barier. Which will be there regardless for any EU region server.

That’s only your opinion. Region locks would definitely prevent a lot of possible issues. Also just because in most cases we’re all thrown in here on the internet together doesn’t mean that it’s remotely a good thing and that we should be all playing MMORPGs together. Entirely international games do not work. Please tell me one game, except for Albion Online (which is entirely different to ToS) and tell me how it works that everyone plays on the same server together. Pro tip: It doesn’t, it’s a god-awful mess.