Tree of Savior Forum

Bots are so annoying

i’ve reported so many bots (no that doesn’t mean necro’s) like legit bots… and i’ve seen them day after day at the same spots… two bot archers have been there for over a week. I won’t post their names but I have them.

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Welcome to “obvious bot reported not banned” club.
Have a seat and wait forever.

I don’t hunt bots, but daily I report obvious bots on my path, returning on these maps weeks or months later, same bots still farming.

Couple a days earlier I created a topic on “Bot Report” session in this forum, I spotted a massive number of bots (like 15 bots) doing same “robotic” path together… Some “ban lists” after and nothing.

Bot control isn’t seems to be a priority to IMC.

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Reported a bot farm 6 days ago, they are still there. Bots running around helping AFKers empty a fixed spawn area, with those AFKers leveling up more Necros.

The reason why IMC does not ban bots is because they are afraid of getting ddos by pissed off botters. That is the sad truth.


I’m more of the idea that they don’t ban bots to not lose “active players” on the servers

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