Tree of Savior Forum

Bot life cycle + (dupe) = rip tos

so lets make this short
1.they CREATE NEW ACC then apply BOT
2.maintinance HOOLA BOT (“ACCOUNT”) banned
3.they will just create another acc then apply bot again

seriously?.. I RECOMMEND to put a HIGH LEVEL GAME GUARD so the BOT SYSTEM cannot inject or bypass the game -.-
if this cycle continue , (DUPE) will ARISE and BTW
BOTS TODAY equipment = ARDE DAGGER / cafrisun set .#botstarterpack?
BOTS slowly killing this game but then again when they evolved and manipulate the game system program to use DUPE
(DUPLICATOR of item) well thats a FAREWELL SIGNAL to players


Thank you for taking the time to inform everyone that there’s a bot problem in this game and that the problem is bad.

If it weren’t for you, no one would know at all, especially not IMC.

Cheers you on You go boy!


How about IMC just restricts bots from making new accounts until they can come up with a good solution to fix this cycle.

Oh wait…

Greetings Saviors,

The temporary restrictions limiting access for new players to Tree of Savior are now in place.


ill w8 for that bro, its kinda frustrating coz still after the maintinance i saw a party of BOTS again and not just bot but RICH BOTS :sob: the sad part its on every channel

This is the time to report literally every bot you see people!
Enjoy the “botless times” that IMC has offered by blocking new accounts!

IF only there were a way to bypass client download restriction…

oh wait: win+r > steam://install/372000
will install the game regardless of steam restrictions.

So what did IMC restricted in reality is inflow of new players that is akin to suicide for MMO. Bots are unaffected.


What… @staff_Ethan, @staff_Ines, this is kinda important.

Oh wow, I was unaware of that.

Hopefully IMC puts restrictions on the creation of new teams as well then, THAT they have control over.

Welp, Valve also needs to step up their account creation, I mean… It’s kinda lame.


BTW, If you use LED light bulb then you can reduce WATtage 10-fold. LED lamps also have way longer lifespan and efficient than fluorescent and incandescent lamps.

/home economy 101



Let me tell you something, command lines, quotes and links count as 20char. That’s why you can actually answer with an image. lol


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Hahah I tried with just an image and it didn’t work :frowning:

You deserve that I bump that topic, all help for IMC is important.
Hope that staff will see it.

@staff_Ethan, @staff_Ines @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_J

only if they are longer than 20 symbols. Try this:


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