Tree of Savior Forum

BOT Information

I can’t justify the bots with that argument just like I can’t justify thieves for stealing.

Maybe something like a mathematical question where a player keys in the numbers and signs instead of having a code for it

I would say to randomize it, could be 5 minutes after input or 3 hours after input. After the 1st one then cycle it every 3-4 hours.

AFK players should be removed from the server and have to log back in, unless they have a shop open.

If you are AFK for 5 mins, once input starts again, start back on the 1st wave of captcha. Make it a simple 4-6 number pin input with only the mouse.

Disable captcha in instances, botting shouldn’t be an issue there since they are limited.

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I’m saying that writing bot programs are not inherently wrong. Your post is misleading the way you phrased your sentence.

Since you used “the fact”, [quote=“duytueha, post:38, topic:151807”]
writing bot programs if for cheating purposes

Was assumed to be the fact.

You confused me by using “the fact” and “if” in the same sentence. Facts should not have ambiguity, otherwise it’s not a fact.

Fact: Apple drops to the earth due to gravity
Conjecture: Apple drops to the earth because spirits push it down.
Doesn’t make sense: It’s a fact that apple drops to earth due to gravity if spirits push it down.

Edited to a better example.

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You claimed it’s not a good argument for Anything. I argued that it at least it is an argument to demonstrate extreme dedication on the part of the AI programmers which implies that it will be difficult for IMC developers to tackle.

Assuming we ignore the piling resentment from players having to deal with captcha (and given the recent fiasco they will)

The bot can scan the screen to locate where the number to input will be. Decode it (there’s only so much you can mess with an image before it also become unrecognizable to human too)

Then scan screen for buttons and check which number is where.

Simulate mouse click on those location.

Done. And given enough time bots will even be faster at solving these than players.

As for idea of kicking afk player - I can count quite a lot of times where I’d go afk next to a class trainer because the attributes I want to learn have that 4/8/12/16… min scaling, and I want to get certain level of them before heading out. So either the time for this is so long it nearly is never a bother (like 1 hour+) or you’re going to cause some annoyance to players again.

There’s also problem of if someone received a message while afk and got kicked, they’d miss that message.

Also the server would have to add tracker for each player’s afk timer, meaning more load on the server.

“if” here is used as declaration, and Apple is pulled, not “drop”
And stop putting my words into my mouth.

But just not allowing the [quote=“Sinji, post:26, topic:151807”]
un-sophisticated bots

is something.

I’m not here to start a flamewar with you. I’m just explaining my thought process. If you do not agree just clarify yourself would you.

“pull” / “drop” does not pertain to the discussion at hand.

Prove that I have done so. If you want to make a claim, be prepared to provide evidence for your claim.

I won’t argue with you, we’re not in the same level. Clarify by quoting part of my comment, yeah, right.

Of course we aren’t. You are unable to provide evidence for your false accusations, side-tracking the actual discussion.

I don’t know what this means. But if you mean that I intentionally mislead by quoting part of you comment. That is not my intention and it is always easy to expand quotes to see the context.

I bid you a good day.

did I say “intellectual level” ? Do that count as “put my words in my mouth”? And I don’t need to prove or clarify anything since you started this non sense conversation. So disgusting.

Your claim:

Your proof to your claim:



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Why not check unusual response times :wink:
sequential actions, abnormal hand input, mouse analysis, window resizing or some annoying stuff for scriptwriters
or some weird anti bot detection that these scriptwriters wouldn’t know about so they can’t script it

welp, this thread is dead.

The game Dungeon Fighter Online does not have a bot problem and is free to play. How they manage it? Not sure. At the launch of the game, there was a bot problem. In a few months they managed to decimate them all. I think the core of it is the company needs to be very hands-on and aggressive.

Keep quoting and proving like an idiot. You did a good job, hilarious it is.

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We aren’t talking about PvP bots here, mainly farming bots, though it’s not difficult at all to implement a randomized delay timer for an action. Ex: Enemy pops up, wait 5 seconds, then attack. Next enemy pops up, wait 3 seconds then attack, etc.

What do you consider abnormal hand input? With thousands of players, varying hand inputs, etc.

Did you have any specific questions? I think someone already got and answered your recent question quite nicely.