Tree of Savior Forum

BOT Information

I admit this is difficult. I didn’t say it was impossible. There definitely exists some ways to circumvent a bots ability to solve programs like this. By making them randomized, and requiring input, and so on. But this comes at a cost to the legit players.

How often do you show this captcha? What happens if a player is afk and doesn’t respond? What happens during a raid / battle and this pops up?

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It’s … possible. Difficult sure. But give someone a good amount of cash, some time and someone can do it. If you want technical expertise and ‘how’ this could theoretically be done, i’d have to go through a couple of books. But I could give a brief description I assume.

This is only for the community. Not for IMC. They are aware of all this i’m sure. It’s just meant for those that have little knowledge on why bots are so robust and believe there is a magic button that can be pressed to end them.

ok ok guess asking all twitch viewbots to join us in game is a bad idea huh i get it - nvm then

What Sinji is saying is while bots are detrimental to the game, don’t expect / push dev to remove them completely because in order to do that, large sacrifices will have to be made on the legit players.

It’s a bit like Microsoft Window’s genuine Advantage (I don’t know anyone who wasn’t bothered by this), vs Apple’s OS upgrades are free derp.

Sure, there are systems in place that target a bots direct path. Most un-sophisticated bots do not use a randomized pathing system, and make it easier to track a player that 100% consistently follows the same path.

Bots CAN do MULTIPLE tasks at one time, but yes they must be ‘assigned’. With enough time, you can ‘assign’ a bot to do any task (even reply in chat to pre-recorded messages that can be read from the screen). So it’s difficult to identify them, but most of what you wrote is correct.

yes, really helpfull

are there any problem I should not comment my opinion in this post? I didn’t say go or against you. Re-read plz
And I dislike the fact that you’re writing bot programs if for cheating purposes. But I won’t say it is wrong for you to do that either.

lol, you are against people’s profession? Bots are part of AI which are huge boon to society. They are part of many automated machinery and even sciences like space exploration (robots / satellites) where local information processing is required because it takes too long for signals to reach Earth.

It’s the application of it, not writing AI or the profession.

Let’s be real, having captcha all the time would be really boring to deal with if you are someone that puts a lot of hours into the game. You would have to see at least 4 captcha per hour, and that would be annoying as hell.
As long as imc can get rid of the cheap botters, and not so bright ones that just have monotone clickers for auto leveling and grinding then most people would be happy with it and the player economy wouldn’t go to hell.
2 easy ways to deal with it would be to add captcha to players reported for suspicion of botting. Or, just add a fun way to prove you are not a bot while also having rewards in doing so.

Sorry I am new to the forum and was un-aware you were replying to another post. Your opinion is welcome.

You may dislike it all you want. I will not be offended if someone calls me out for this. No worries.

If I’m not mistaken, if the captcha or problem solving thing has a high enough rate of randomisation bots wouldn’t be able to clear them, though I’m not sure how high is high enough

This is the problem with captcha systems. Sure they are a good way to curve botters, but they are also detrimental to the playerbase. Right now everyone is thinking ‘oh a few captchas a hour is fine’ … but a few months into the game people will absolutely hate those things.

How many of you like having to wash dishes after every meal?

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@thisisforcpclass You are wrong. We live in a society, we must to follow rules in order to survive successfully. It IS bad to skateboard without a license in a place that requires a license. There is a reason why you need a license.

@Sinji Thanks for the info.
I think the “this is their life. This is how they feed themselves and their family” is not a good argument for anything, because by that logic, rob people in the street is justified because is how robbers feed their family.

Anyway, pitifully, we all feel like IMC gave up with the bot problem. Because this message:

> We’ve come up with this initial access to prevent numerous Bot Accounts from the early stages of service and to provide a stable in-game environment to our users.

I made a post about it:

what a bot deserve

Ehh … so so. Randomization on computes is just a logical expression. While it may seem random to you, you have to understand that computers don’t think abstractly. They are given instructions … its ‘possible’ to figure out the randomization code used, and then ‘realistically’ attempt to ‘reverse engineer’ a program that can ‘guess’ what the randomized captcha would be. It’s difficult for sure, and if the captcha would lock you out of the game after a few tries then it might be good. But how long should the lock out be? And how many times before it locks you out should you be given? I know i’ve failed captcha few times.

This is more realistic for numerical captcha. Alphabetical might be slightly difficult.

It shows extreme dedication. I think its a reasonable argument.

Yea IMC can only minimize botting by removing the weaker bots. Eradicating them is not possible. The community should be aware of it.

please re-read
. . . . . . .

No of course. I’m not arguing that bots should be left alone because this is how they feed their families. I’m saying that the people who write these programs are dependent on making sure people keep using them. So they go to extreme lengths to ensure that their programs ALWAYS work. Which is why its hard for a developer to keep up.

I can guarantee that a couple of bot developers are purchasing the closed beta just to have something ready for open beta.

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This is the best bot analogy I’ve ever read. Kudos.

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