Tree of Savior Forum

BOT Information

This is correct. Take away the demand and the supply will go away. But why is the demand there in the first place?

If there’s a demand, why isn’t IMC providing it?

I’ve been thinking about this bot issue the whole day. I came to the conclusion that if you can program a captcha, you can also program a captcha buster. There’s absolutely no easy way to tell over the computer if the action originated from a real flesh player or a bunch of computer codes.

Therefore the only way to fight the bot problem is to fight the incentive to bot. Presumably the main motive of botting is to acquire ingame goods to sell for Real life money. I think the problem isn’t that players want to acquire in game good with real life money, but that a method for them to acquire it through the game devs doesn’t exist (or is too expensive).

So the solution has to be that IMC provide an official way to RMT, and make it so cheap that it’s not worth the botters time / money to bot. At least low enough to exclude the really complex and expensive bot systems.


Since Tokens seem to be a subscription substitute, I’m going to suggest that Tokens should be made tradable with silver between players. So IMC’s official method of RMT would be:

Buy Token from IMC games —> Sell Token to other players for silver / items

This would set the price floor for RMT and anything less cost effective than this will be competed out.

What do you guys think?

what you said is true it is very easy fix
but what if scripters doesnt know about it they wouldnt do such things
If you were the scripter would you normally put delay everytime you input a string

Anyway just an idea, I’m sure imc has some thing in their pocket

I like the idea, it means it would be possible to get token bonus by playing the game. But in the same time I’m concerned it can impact the token real value, which isn’t a good thing for IMC.

As a long time user and (somewhat new) creator of bots… I can tell you guys there is absolutely no way to stop a bot.

There’s nothing a player can do that a bot can’t.

My favorite is how advanced the big game bots are. WoW/GW2/FFXIV. The AI is amazing and surpasses a majority of normal players. I’d take a bot in my party over normal players in any 3 of those games. Even in raids.

I may or may not (COUGHCOUGHCOUGH) have a FFXIV bot running on my second monitor as I type this. Making crazy gil.

If you’ve ever played WoW/GW2/FFXIV I guarantee you that you’ve partied with multiple bots for dungeon runs without ever knowing it wasn’t a player.

Yes, there is even plugins to allow basic chatting for bots. Including answering those basic math equations you give a player to ‘check if it’s a bot’.

It’s much simpler if you log active game time. Active game time defined as time outside town along with movement. Factor in the capabilities of extreme human activity, and you can set thresholds for flagging accounts for possible botting. You don’t need to bring down the ban hammer, just have them on the list and it they start appearing on the list constantly, then you have a good starting point to which you can consider banning or possibly applying debuffs (I wouldn’t recommend this route as it’s not only an easy cash grab, but bots have already found their way past this).

Tokens are tradable on ktos. They’re often sold in the marketplace.

That is good to know. Thanks for the info.

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This was exactly what I was thinking as I read your post. It would take people expert in behavioral science + computer programming to accomplish. Not an easy task to do, if implemented, it would be a really high end anti-bot system.

Maybe young people here should study / develop it, then commercialize it.

I think you’re the idiot one and to be honest, yup, it is hilarious how deep you buried yourself :blush: !

By the way this post was something, thanks for the enlightenment mate, it was truly interesting !

I won’t argue with you. Don’t ever reply to me again because you will receive a report, and ToS staff will block me from you.
Have fun

It has about 20k more likes on facebook than tree of savior (100k+). It’s actually a very popular game. I’m surprised when people don’t know about it, honestly. I played it a lot.

As you can see.

I think captcha system with 15 minutes to respond is a good way to go. So that it’s not intrusive on your gameplay.

if we spent our money buy Cash shop to support GameDeveroper for long life game than spent our money to BOT, everyone will be happy

because evertime you support BOT it’s make that game less cost to spent money with

when a game less cost = bot become less cost too ,then, why will paid to bot for short life game?

This was a reply to someone not your post… im allin for anti bot.

I think capcha would do just fine. An mmo already has this - they give small exp buff for a short duration everytime a capcha is solved.

Captchas are retarded and counter productive to a games success.

No. Captcha is intrusive regardless of implementation. Only true method to stop bots is active players/mods with a proper report function. Oh; also players actually taking evidence. That is needed too.

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Completely agree. That’s expensive and they won’t do it, though. If they do, then awesome.

Captcha with 15 minutes to respond is still a bit intrusive, but not AS intrusive as a captcha that needs to be done right away.

Another cool way to do it is give some trusted members of the community a “Player Mod” title with power to start a server-wide vote to kick.

Obviously, it can be abused if given to a wrong person. That’s the only downside. I mean, it would still be hard to abuse it, because the whole server CAN (Not needed to) vote, when he starts the vote.

So In order to abuse it, he would actually have to control the whole community in order to do it. Which is unlikely.

maybe easy way is F12 to record video of the the suspect to Bot report and Hack report’ Forums (click show other players’ name in game setting before record video)

I suggest that we should have “prison channel” All accounts which are caught as botter/cheater/gold seller/gold buyer will be sent to this channel. They will be locked in this channel. This channel has the same functionality like normal channel. But they will not be able to trade or have interaction with people in normal channel. Because there is no way to prevent it so let cheaters play with cheaters. :stuck_out_tongue: