Tree of Savior Forum

[Bot] Highlander bot

here is another one.

The bots are only getting stronger. I’ve been hearing things like them getting to level 120 areas and stuff with hacks.

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more. reporting them seems pointless there are so many.

the quest can not be completed or because the monsters that you got as target kill bots solve this please wizard quest for rank 2 afternoon held almost 40mint finish the bot that were in all channels in crystal mines

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they are farming money not leveling

I’ve seen alot of highlander bots/gold farmers lately as well. Just recorded a video with two of them farming at Septyni Glen, both around lvl70. Report system should exist ing, it’d be WAY easier and faster to report and ban bots.

I’ve got another one. Hacker/bot.

I legitimately have no idea how new players or people who roll alts play the game anymore. Every channel is riddled with a battalion of bots and the spawn is so low I went through pretty much all of Crystal Mines 1F without seeing a single mob.

Oh yeah, and I was asked if I was a bot today. I was like… lol? What bot program in their right mind would have you roll a bokor?

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there every where i went today >.< even came across a party of them in that map near the lvl50 dungeon

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