Tree of Savior Forum

Bot bounties suggestion

So, after reporting like 20 bots today, I thought of an idea.

How about bot bounties? Maybe reward players with a portion of the bots silver they accumulated if they find and report them. This give players an incentive to go out and find the bots and also add an interesting mechanic in the game. It could actually be fun :slight_smile:

I remember you guys saying you wanted to provide merits or something for accurate bot identifying and just wanted to give you some ideas on that.

I also have an additional idea i will put here. I remember there being some kind of training scarecrow or something in klaipeda. Im not sure if its there anymore, but you could attack it and it wouldnt die.

How about have these pop up randomly in certain areas that bots like to farm? They attack things until it dies and move on, if it doesnt die it wont move anywhere else right? You could also make it do something if you hit it too many times. Not sure what, thats up to you.

Maybe have it track the players that hit it alot and if that player also happens to have alot of reports for being a bot, it probably is one. I guess i shouldnt call it a player though…

Edit I thought of another idea for the scarecrow. Maybe have it warp you somewhere. You can actually find a way for this to fit in the game so it doesnt look likes its only for bots… Have it fit into the storyline somehow and set it up so bots cant escape. This is up to you again on figuring this out if you like the idea.