Tree of Savior Forum

Boss very slow attack - NEED BUFF ( increasing difficulty)

Well I ’ m playing the closed beta, and Realized que all the boss of the tree of savior , attack of a very slow and easy way , making the gameplay boring and sickening …

I ask you to withdraw attack markings , and Increase the ATTACK speed , alias he is a boss , not a minion.


What about class that need cast time to cast and use skill.


how about you get to a high enough level first, this sounds like you are still under level 120.
telegraphs disappear around level 70-100 and bosses start to spawn as faster versions with more attack patterns.


What’s your lvl and class?

I have a bad time with some magical boss. I play barbarian lvl 110 and some magic attacks burn 75% of my life.

Catapharact lv 130, boss lvl 1-100 no dificult to solo

erh… no difficult? my bad… go solo with cleric or some support type class…, wont be HARD, but isnt easy. I dont know much about much about increase boss atk speed, but should but some random atks pattens - can read his move easily -.

Lol of course your a swordsman. its not that bosses are bad its that swordsman is way stronger then the other trees

Haha no wonder he mention it’s easy mode for the game as he’s is in the swordman branch… Swordman is the easiest classes to play among others 3 classes without any troubles on the skill rotation and spam…
We don’t need much buff on the bosses as it’s goes harder when the game process higher but indeed we need nerf down much on swordman to balance how easy they handle the game with ease…
I stop playing swordman at level 95 as I know they are too bore and op with decrease my challenge gameplay…

A swordsmen class has no right to complain on boss being easy.

Restart the game with other class and come back to this thread. You will delete this thread in shame.