Tree of Savior Forum

Boruta is currently bugged on Silute - Please fix

Not worth discussing with him, he is just a troll, a quick look on his forum message history will show that this is just a account created for the solely purpose to defame Paradise.

Meanwhile I would like to get an answer from @Staff, maybe they are on vacation because the patch notes was posted earlier.

Ok. Then i respond “your’s asnwer’s”:

1- I play Outlaw very early this bug coming itos, i know this bug, however try no abuse this bug,
for the simple fact that it activates only to die with the skill “bully” active.

2- On the day in question the boruta was bug and yes the outlaw bug was in my char, but the members of the guild on call in the discord told me to leave, and so I respected and left. For there was no merit in winning this way contrary to a “certain guild” that was abusing the bug of the tree of sephirot to be healing forever, please do not forget that.

3- And to finish I think I’ve already answered all the questions about my case, as I said above I already spoke with imc, there are several videos already showing there, now you are giving emphasis to an outlaw bug when the focus of the post and about boruta bugged in the day and joke. And as I said in the shout of the game if I want to abuse the heavy bug I would get full dodge and it would stay in the crystal npc mine for example killing him.

And I think everyone here has realized that imc is caring for this, she is focused on bringing the ep11 of the game that is what really matters. We will have other Borutas besides this.
Finally I end my participation in this topic, I will not be wasting time answering random people in the game that only focus and be accusing others.

1- You started playng outlaw the second after the bug video was out in the interne before becoming this invicible god you were just a normal player to everybody in gemtone before starting bugging abuse.
2 - Kabba bug wasnt used on purpose since it was the first time “certain guild” was using kabba to kill the boruta, on the other hang some "guild"was using it since the begining, and yes since you knew it was a bug it is an exploit you and all ur guild should recive punishment for it. but as always never get punisher always recive “prizes” very shamefull for a so called top guild.
And Sure thery turned off boruta and delayd his kill for 2 days because of that btw, the "certain guild"got punished.
3-Sure if i robbed a bank and report it and keep robbing banks i’m innocent OMEGALUL, and yes u did the crystal thing on gem stone and killed NPC saddly i dont had the record :frowning:.

I would be just fine if IMC showed players some respect and giving them the same tratment to everybody the whales and normal players, i hope this bugs vanish in ep11 as well but is to spected that people and guilds who abused it over and over again get punished.



The boss is back to 100%
Maybe his HP is bugged again

Just like that there are many others.

Revenge your car horn is broken, it’s honking all the time, your mechanic still has not fixed the horn, stop driving your car with the broken horn, because it’s bothering everyone, be smart because a police officer can arrest you.

JĂĄ falaram vĂĄrias vezes pra ele deixar de ser burro e parar de usar a classe enquanto o fix nĂŁo chega, nĂŁo adianta.

Mas seria legal se usassem o post certo pra reportar ele. Metade desse post Ă© gente reportando o Revenge e nĂŁo falando sobre o bug.

Guess they are not on vacation, a GM was online today patroling for bots and stopped by to have a little chat, didn’t answered much only that the dev team are aware, but nothing about what will be done to compensate all the people that spent over 50 hours because of this bug.


No, maximum 12hrs of bug, part you have been hampered by another guild, and the rest you have decided that will not kill the boss or let him be killed by someone else.

You know that Boruta is still alive on Silute, right? And its taking even less damage plus doing cap damage on every hit.

Seems pretty normal to me. I do not know why you’re not killing Boruta, or letting other guilds kill him, but it’s not because him are uber strong and invincible.

he appears to be normal since Friday. they just do not want to kill. I do not see why they are complaining that the boruta is still bugged and that it is not anymore.

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omg are you guys dumb or what?
boruta gets bugged when he enters on “enrage” stance, the thing is he backs to normal stance every time the lair resets, as we all know. try hit boruta till he gets enraged again and come back here to talk “boruta is normal” zzzzz

theres no point for Paradise fake it, since we kill boruta every week. stop this bs.
theres alot of videos showing that boruta is one shotting us, Slash have 130k phys def, are you better geared with your mergen, mister?

omg i just saw your video. 21k phys def, u cant barely survive non-enraged boruta.
cmon dude, for real
group up and go kill it if you guys want!

We had tried several times in the last days, he looks normal but after losing some HP he enters in this super mode oneshotting everyone and taking little to no damage. I think some of you already noticed that in the past days, we tried but after he enter this mode the healing mechanic is stronger than the damage he take.
The guild decided to not stress the members anymore with this and instead only do PvP and hope that next week he will reborn normal or maybe some GM pass by to check himself and do something about, that clearly didn’t happened.

IMC again congratulations for the effort to create a content of Boss PVP, unfortunately there are very loose users who always complain and cry, when it has a difficult content to be realized. Keep the line, do not weaken, these changes and claims of minorities who do not frequent the forum always mess the game

Saddly the saviors will fail this week :frowning: , this is a really bad content all we can do is pray for future changes on the content making it more viable to everyone in the game not only to the mob guilds and bug abusers.
Only two guild can kill it right now in Silute the others will just heal him, this is the real problem right now.
I have tried some hits today and its looks normal for me but we can`t be sure since is impossible to kill it with less than 20 people with pvp enabled.

I hope IMC implement the 1 hour change thing ASAP, at least if it’s bugged we will not need to spend this much time inside a shitty content.

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Ranks did not reseted for the next week
IDK if this is intended or not

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