Tree of Savior Forum

Bonus Gift Helper Bug?

this day, 18th day of May 2019, i claim my bonus gift from the gift helper and receive class change voucher only. according to the Growing Evergreen Bonus Gift Event, i should receive 200 sprouts and a class change voucher. is it me or it is a bug? pls help


same here D: and I was so hype about getting enough for my new character



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Me on Friday 11:50PM: ok, few more minutes till the bonus, I wonder what will go wrong this time.

Me on Saturday 12:01AM: no surprise to be honest.

It’s sad that I automatically assume something will go wrong…


Growing Evergreen Bonus Gift Event

  • All players will receive Adventure Sprouts x400 during the maintenance, as compensation for recent event issues.

Sorry about that :sob::sob: