Tree of Savior Forum

Bokors special zombies need to be enhanced

The Zombify attributes “Zombify: Large Zombie” and “Zombify: Wheelchair Zombie” are currently not worth the money invested into them, because the special zombies are actually worse than the normal zombies.

I ask you IMC: How can it be that if you invest silver into an attribute, the skills outcome becomes worse than before?

The issues are the following:

  • The wheelchair zombie is only faster in movement speed than the normal zombie, but not stronger (he deals, in fact, lesser damage per hit) and has only 1/2 or 1/3 of the attackspeed of a normal zombie

  • the large zombie just has tons of HP and looks larger. It’s already very hard to produce one, since you have to zombify a large monster (there aren’t enough large monsters in the game for it to be effective), but they are even slower than normal zombies and their morning star is just for show purposes, since they deal just a little more damage but at the same time, have a lower aspd (~1/3 less than normal zombies).

So, here’s how to fix the problem:

  • make wheelchair zombies a little bit faster than they already are, and make them 3 times stronger than a normal zombie. With their reduced aspd, they’d be in fact just 1,5 times stronger DPS-wise, but that would be enough to justify their use.

  • make large zombies 3 times stronger than wheelchair zombies [meaning they’d be 9 times stronger than normal zombies; however, considering their aspd, it would reduce to 6-7 times the DPS of a normal zombie).
    This would justify the trouble one has to go through to actually create and maintain a cohort of large zombies and make them quite useful companions.

Large zombies should feel like having a Troll from “Lord of the Rings” slaughtering through the lines.

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sadly this is not LoTR , it’s tree of savior botters.