Tree of Savior Forum

Bokor Buff ideas

I really love the concept of Bokor, im currently a c1 bokor, and its soooooo awfull, so, I gonna tell why I think he need a buff:

(Just remember I dont want all those buff at the same time, but if one is implemented, will be really nice)

1- Increase the size of Zombify.
Motive: His circle to make zombies is really small, every dungeon/mission or ever grinding I have problems with my C1 bokor because of monsters changing focus and leaving the circle or they simply run away with low health (And remember: 1 minute of CD, so, if you dont get any zombie you will be fucked for a long time)

2- If a zombie bite any monster, the monster will become a zombie when dead if you have less zombies than the maximun you can
Motive: If you dont want to make the 1 buff, the 2 resolve that

3- Make a skill to teleport Zombies
Motive: They are SO slow, Im not kidding, if you want to teleport them to you you can go to “Character Select” and come back, and that take alot of time, so, why not a LVL1 skill that teleport them?

4- Make a skill to make them walk faster
Dont want to make the 3 buff? So make this one

5- Decrease the price of attributes
Motive: So, im a level 50 with 50k and I gonna buy a attribute for my zom-70k!? What!? A lvl of attribute is 70k!? WTF!?

And thats it, want to know your opinions!

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Wrong place for this, Suggestion section thanks. And isn’t there already Bwa in C2 to move the zombies…

I agree, but, at C1 in dungeons there’s not much you can do with Zombies your level in there. So you’re pretty much fine without them as much as you are with them.

This already exists. A monster that’s killed by a Zombie while Hexing is applied, will spawn another Zombie.

Agreed, but I don’t think this should be a skill since you already have Tet Mamak La there for directing them. Maybe an Attribute instead?

i agree with ony the decrease price one, thats annoying 67k just for 1% chance to spawn a welchair zobie???