Tree of Savior Forum

Blue Orb to summon monster not working


I’m one of those guys that tries to wait for everybody to do their job. Your team answered my ticket that they are investigating the issue, but today I received that the clip I shared with you through WeTransfer has yet to be downloaded.
Clearly this issue is not your number 1 priority, but can you please download the video before the link expires?


The event ended, so there’s nothing to fix.

I asked to download the video since they are “forwarding my ticket for further review”. i haven’t asked for any fix.

They will if and when they need it. Asking them to do so won’t accelerate this.

If you want to share a video, put it on youtube or somewhere that isn’t a temporary link. They shouldn’t be rushed.

Thank you for sharing your unrequested point of view.

Ridiculous compensation, but better than nothing…


For my coins (29 entry) -> NOTHING. “Make sense”

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anyone else get a client error when trying to pick up the compensation cubes/fragments from the mail?

EDIT: I’m getting the error regardless of the mail. Guess I’ll just wait and see