Tree of Savior Forum

Block doesn't mute spam

I enter a city I see a shitstorm of spam from bots dropping my fps to 10 I block them, still can see the shitstorm of spam

this has already been suggested

is so hard to make this a thing?

??? I block a spammer bot in city and I get the following effects:

  1. Their spam no longer appears in the chat box

  2. No more chat bubble appears on my screen from them (allowing me to access the market/storage.

Basically It stopped all forms of communication with them.

You dont see anything they say after you block them, but everything they already said stays in the chat box. Not sure if this is what you mean.

then block in silute is bugged because I block them and nothing happends I can still see the bubble of text laggin my game damn

sometimes 2 or 3 spamer stay inside each other, so you have to block each of them

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