Tree of Savior Forum

Blessing + Heal = double hits

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Are you sure those monsters weren’t just weak to Holy?

Uhm, I mean I never really noticed it.

Being weak to holy simply means you deal double damage to the monster, nothing to do with the number of hits.

Did you overlap 2 heal tiles?


Just try it out yourself. Buy Blessing from a pardoner and use heal. Lure something into the heal tiles and see it for yourself.

Has been known since the iCBTs. Here, for instance, an explanation of the mechanics from October:


and heal people twice?

I have noticed this as well, but doesnt seem to proc 100% of the time when an enemy is alone.

Also noticed that Heal does aoe around its tile now, where before 1 tile would do damage to 1 monster (or is it based on aoe ratio now?).

It’s true, I’ve just tested… Only works for offensive healing. I wonder if it’s a bug or a hidden combo.

I make a vĂ­deo :slight_smile:


Waaaooo this could be really good! Ugh, suddenly 40% attribute cap feels like a hindrance.

It doesnt seem to work with pardoner blessing :frowning:

It works for me. Sometimes the numbers stack up so it looks like one hit, but it definitely hits twice with blessing.

Isnt that a bug? Noticed I spent money to make it 50% and it capped at 40 :confused: arealdy sent a ticket and got the Ctrl c + Ctrl v response.

It looks like it’s a feature–a recently added one.

@pedrothin2 nono ur not capped at 40

I did a test between lv40 and lv41 theres increase of dmg , and i increased it to lv50 and dmg increased as well

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Yeah i think too
I liked cause its realy strong 20k damage in boss demon

Someone know if restoration from paladins also increase heal dmg? cus it increases healing

It doesn’t.

Resto only boosts heal’s healing (based on your stats, int gets largest bonus.).

Blessing only makes each heal square hit a enemy two times instead of once.

Blessing + Heal worked this way in iCBT2 and was changed for release. Methinks this is just a bug that came back due to poor programming.