Tree of Savior Forum

Black screeen or only 2nd sound in multiple screens

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time : 05/08/2015

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : Keyboard/Joystick

Bug Description : Record in 2 or more screens, only the 1st (or 2nd) screen is recording

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Start the game
  2. Press F11 and start the video
  3. Has black screen without sound or sound in 1st or 2nd screen
  4. Black screen video in 1st and 2nd screen captured (in fullscreen or windowed)

I’m have a bug a little different.
(I’ll post here because i cannot open a new post)
So… well
Sometimes, when i’m start the game, before Character selection, my map just stay Black, everything, except some HUD elements.
It’s not exaclty a Big bug i think, i just teleport to Klaipeda, and the maps return to normal and i can play normally.
The bug appears in Miner Village map,

PS: This just accurs when i’m Login with character, and is just SOMETIMES.

I have a black screen here.Load screen select char, is all ok,
When the load stop, turns in a black screen, i can see chat, map, skills, items, but, no other thing.

HELP please?? i just warp in orsha town and this happens