Tree of Savior Forum

Beware of scammers in Telsiai


Market Manipulation

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i know how you feels. but unfortunately, i think nothing we can do except just ignore him?

If you’re a seller, you can choose, not to sell if you feel that offer is too good to be true, or you can undercut the current price and make your item a more attractive option.

someone said jokingly in a friend conversation that if you for example needed to buy Priest Vaivora and there is none on the market you should just shout something like “Buying Priest vaivora for 400m” (this is double the normal price) and then watch everyone that have this item undercut eachother on the market. I guess he was right in a way.

I agree with the buyer-seller interaction. But I don’t think it’s wise to immediately post an item with a “too-good-to-be-true” offer without verifying it.

I mean, wouldn’t it hurt to whisper someone who shouts they want to buy/sell some stuff if he/she really intends to transact? I’ve seen players who shouts “WTS” with no intention to actually sell it.

A buyer/seller (in an online/free market) would ask if offers are legit.

Just my two cents.


thats not what happening right now /tired

“oh someone selling for 400m, imma sell mine 450m…i get better profit wkwkwkwk” :rofl:

To be fair it can be quite costly if you want only the ichor Lv1 and don’t have event golden extractors, I can understand 50m ichor vs weapon.

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