Tree of Savior Forum

Best Tree of Savior Guide for fast leveling :) <3

Feel free to ask questions and I will do my best to help you.

Credits for all the authors of the links that I post :slight_smile: Thank you.

I wanted to make a guide for my favorite game of our time that helps you level quickly. I will go over addons and links that make leveling fast and fun.

99% of the client issues are fixable. Feel free to ask me about any of your client/patcher issues. I work a lot but I will do my best to get around to your questions. The forum also has many solutions.

If you have a high level friend you can power level from 1-100.

Amazing Leveling Guide

The level-penalty is now wider (you get full exp up to 20levels above/below you, only then it starts decreasing by 5%per level)

Here is an amazing map that shows you where all the zones are and allows you click on the zones for more details about them. It also shows you what maps connect to which maps and where. This map is awesome for when you see quests in your quest log with the better quest addon but are unsure where the zones are.

There are a few addons that will greatly impove your leveling efficiency. You can get all the addons I am about to share with you by downloading the addon manager.

I will list the addons in order of their importance. All addons are allowed in game with no restrictions. The tos staff confirmed this. To install an addon open the tos addon manager and install them on the manager then launch Tree of Savior.

Betterquest - Displays all the quests in the game that you have not completed yet by ticking a box in the top left of your quest log. This addon makes it easy to find quests so you can get the exp cards that you are after.

Map Fog Viewer - Displays the fog on the map as red tiles instead of the hard to see default fog. Makes exploration really easy! You can talk to the Wings of Arbora npc in Klaipeda or Orsha to turn in your explored zones for three exp cards for each zone explored.

Experience Card Calculator - This addons shows you what level you will get to if you use all of your exp cards. Great for getting right to the exact level you need to be for a certain party dungeon. You open the addon at the bottom left of your game. A button is placed there when you are in game.

Treasure Map - This shows where all the tresure chests are on every map when you open your zone map with the m key (default).

IndunPlus - Add-on that displays the number of instance dungeons and world boss buff time for each character.

There is a exp reset at level 16-46-86-136-186-236-281. Here is a link that shows how much exp you need for each level. I was informed that the the levels past 280 in this link are now incorrect but it is still useful up until then.

There are also a few hidden stat points in the game you can find them here.

There are hidden quests in the game too you can find them here.

There may be more you could search in google for them :slight_smile:

I work a lot but I will do my best to answer any questions you have. Look forward to helping and playing with you. Thank you. Also please if you have some free time leave a positive review for the game on steam. I believe with more players more improvements will come :slight_smile:

LightWisdom - Na Klaipeda.

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Wrong place bud…

Feel free to tag a staff member to move this to the right section :slight_smile:

I have seen a lot of guides posted in general as well :slight_smile: I’m sure it will be fine.

To be honest, it’s nice to have guides and all.
But it’s another thing to have it literally spammed in almost ALL the top steam reviews. To the point where it’s obnoxious. Your guide is more like “click this this and this”. At this point, I don’t even know if you really want other people to know about the game guide or just looking for attention by spamming this “guide” everywhere.

No. I think it’s​ a good guide :slight_smile: I’m trying to help people. These are things that I wish I learned sooner.

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