Tree of Savior Forum

Best skills to max for Ele/Pyro?

Hey fellow saviors been busy refinding what to play in rebuild some skills got worse some got better.

Was playing Ele/Warlock (at the point to choose 3rd) but after some help here and reddit it appeared pyro outclasses warlock and synergizes way better with ele.

Also heared eletrocute is trash now so im at a loss since its maxed with me haha (got a skill reset pot)

So now i wanted to know what are the skills i need to max and which not also would u say taoist or omnifirefox thing is better for my 3rd? I play on controller so the one with the least added skills would be nice haha

Atm Best Storm Dust + Fireball (Aoe + Bossing) then Flameground+ Meteor good Aoe, i personal like Stone curse 4 Saalus and 330 Dun. Stone curse also more Dmg with fire

I’ve maxed Fireball and Storm Dust. Goes really well with stone curse and tri-disaster charm, and I find it on par or slightly stronger than the Ice Wall + PP combo. (Only difference is, if the boss moves out of the way, you can’t reposition).

Do you set all 5 fireballs before storm dusting?

The minimum I set is 3. I go for all 5 if the boss / mob is kinda stationary (or at least, not moving much).

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and can u stack them on top of each other or do you have to move a inch and then place it down for it to work?

did anyone try if fireball15/stormdust1 has same/lower/higher damage with fireball15/stormdust15?

I stack them on top of the other. No need to move.

You’d see the difference if you go to the dummies in Klaipeda. I tested it the other night. The dummies would die with 2 fireballs (as opposed to 1 fireball).

I maxed both lol

Enchant Fire is less useful considering that it adds about 400 / 700 / 1000 damage per hit at 5/10/15. Sure, it’s per hit, but so are the Blessing & Sacrament buffs you can buy from Pardoner.

Think about it.

LV15 Fireball with 40 attrib is 572%. (572% + 2000) dmg shouldn’t be that big a difference from (572% + 3000). But LV10 Fireball with 40 attrib is 506% instead. LV5 Fireball, at 442%.

The difference is gonna be big when used against low-mdef (or lowered-mdef) targets. A shame they changed the damage formula though; I can’t exactly calculate optimized Pyro builds anymore.

was just wondering if the fb/sd combo dmg is based on both skills or fb only which can free more points for other skills leaving sd at lvl1. will test it after maintenance and post here if there is any difference.

So you basicly leave enchant fire at 1? Or u dont put any points into it?

I usually put 14 pts in electrocute, it’s still great aoe clear especially if you pair it with storm calling from taoist, can leave it at 12 for 9 targets.
1 in hail to freeze bosses, 12 or 14 in storm dust depending on electrocute decision, 10 in elemental essence… even though the buff is really underwhelming since only if the enemy is weak against the element it will work meaning if he takes 50% bonus dmg from fire he will now take 100% bonus dmg from fire with the buff active… paired with the short duration it’s worth considering to completely ignore it.
3 pts in stone curse for debuffing for extra fire dmg and some pvp setups, 5 in meteor.
Fire claw just seems really bad and doesn’t have any attributes, so I scrapped it.

For pyro I max fire ball, prominence, hell breath, fire pillar and put 1 pt in enchant fire and rest into flame ground, however i am not really convinced by prominence since the hitbox is really inconsistent HOWEVER if you have a falconeer in party with aiming prominence is INSANE

Thanks for the information man really helpful trying to figure out why people need enchant fire atlv1 isnt the damage just really low and maybe an extra point in flameground better or am I missing some nice synergy here?

The scaling for enchant fire per invested level is really bad and has no impact on the fire property damage you get from the scaling of status point afaik.
The Add. Fire Property Damage that increases per level only affects the damage for the additional damage line you get from the skill for basic attacks, where as the Fire Property Attack that scales from status points is added on top of every skill you use
It’s also useful to debuff fire resists of nearby enemies if you use it (attribute)

Yea I see kinda like an Arde Dagger effect right? Every tick of an damage adds that firedamage to it? thats nice to have a little damage increase i guess yea but does it still make an impact on high lvl mobs since its not that much i believe at `1

Actually I was mistaken, Add. Fire Property Damage is whats being added ontop of every type of dmg you deal and the Fire Property Attack line is the value of dmg for the additional dmg line you get when basic attacking.
So it’s really only useful to debuff enemies with the attribute as it doesn’t provide a big dmg boost otherwise

I didn’t put any points into it, rather. I’ll probably experiment a little more before the 3k class change points per day thing expires.

Wait so how does it work is it only for auto attacks then?.. what a waste of a point lol the debuff is nice i guess but timer is way too long for just that

It’s really weak yeah, not really worth skilling but sometimes an additional basic attack line comes in handy