Tree of Savior Forum

Best pvp wizard

I would like someone to make me feel better about going 3:1 CON INT instead of full CON on a cryo 3 psycho 3 who wants to be competitive in pvp. What do you think about it? For the little more damage it does is about 10k hp a great sacrifice? Or will I do enough more damage, and I will have survavility anyways? >_<

This is my Build :slight_smile: with point saving n stuff.

I picked Magnetic force over Teleportation cuz i dont like teleportation its like not controable wich makes it kinda bad for me cuz u can be like ALLRIGHT TELEPORTATION and end up in an enemy team pokerface.

For Stat Build i took a 1:1 Con/Int Build and gonna swap for Full Con Once i hit 270+

on a sidenote this build fokus like stated above on arenas and on my team i will be the one who is cc the ■■■■ out of the enemys

Cryo 2/3 > Kino 2/3 > Warlock

You can take both at 3 or drop one of them for a rank on warlock, which has a high burst to add to your PvP gameplay.

Cryo 3 for PvE, Kino 3 for PvP, so if you are thinking of PvP only, I believe Wiz > Cryo 2 > KIno 3 > Warlock is better, you already have subzero shield, Kino’s CC can’t be resisted and Warlock would give you finisher moves.

Full CON master race.

what do you think about
wiz > cryo 3 > psy > linker > feather
on pvp situation in general(not 1v1). People talk about how psy 3 is strong in pvp, but is it that much stronger than cryo 3?

another thing is, how bursty 5v5 are? is full con completely necessary or something like 1:1 is still good?

Btw, the reason why runecaster is not taken for pvp is because rune of ice doesn’t increase ice wall damage. Also ice wall-psychic combo got nerfed recently.

The general rule is that you’d still do a decent amount of damage even with full con. I would only take INT on wiz3 builds or sorcerer builds to maximize the use of it. To me it’s all or nothing due to how int works (+10% bonus for each rank) (but not literally all or nothing, you still need a little CON to survive).

There is different between small scale (1v1, 2v2, 3v3) and large scale (4v4, 5v5, GvG)

  1. PvP/GvG build
    A - Wizard C3 > Cryo C1 > Psycho C1 > Runecaster C1 > Warlock
    General build for PvP/GvG, but without FrostPillar/Raise/GrativyPole that force control ability, frozen can be countered by Plague Doctor.
    Use QuickCast+Isa+Icewall+PhysicPressure IMBA combo to instant kill your opponent, but you need your teammate to protect you from setting it up behind.
    ****Please be noted that Iceshards have damage reduced 50% in Team League, but with Rune of Ice I think it still pretty OP.

B - Wizard C3 > Psycho C3 > Warlock C1
Plague Doctor’s nightmare, use SureSpell/QuickCast and Gravity Pole them asap, dealing Warlock damage while controlling them, torture them until die.
****I actually think this is the best, but you need to be very good on positioning.

C - Wizard C1 > Cryo C3 > Psycho C3
Good on both PvP/GvG control ability, but lack of finishing skill (burst dmg) to finish your opponent, but 1v1 you can torture them until dead while on permanent CC, or any bigger scale battle can do CC role and your party to finish them.

D - Wizard C1 > Cryo C2/3 > Psycho C3/2 > Warlock C1
Aiming on small scale battle 1v1 to 3v3, you have no fancy time to setup pp+iw combo, your best bet is to instant cast and cc your opponent, and use warlock high dps to finish them.
****Psycho C3 is more preferable, with raise you can combo with Pole of Agony. Note that Icebolt is nerfed in Team League KrToS as well, so Wiz3>Psycho3 maybe a good choice.

Some others:
Pyro C3 > Chrono C3, Stop your enemy and use Flameground/Fireball to burn them, or even Pyro C2 > Psycho1 > Chrono C3

@elysium @nightrain_scy @Mirarara @ethronil

thanks for the support, guys, i rlly aprecciate this, but still have some questions

the most of u said that the build stats use full CON, but what’s the meaning of it? i’m completely newfag in this game and i used to do int on mages. Make a full con build won’t affect my damage?

also, the cryo3 kino3 build can burst the enemy? or in this way i’ll depend of my team to finish him?

cryo3 kino3 and cryo2/3 kyno2/3 warlock seems pretty good

You will have around 30% lesser damage with full CON, but triple the survivability.

got it! and the others points?

lifeline master race

psycho 3 is so strong cuz u cannot resist magnetic force and lift even if ur using dispeller scrolls :wink:
Same goes for cryos snow rolling and frost pillar but snow rolling feels a bit clunky for me compared to psycho cc

I don’t really like snow rolling because it seems to be fking up with frost cloud.

Well, u know that the total Matk is base on your equipments/skills-base-damage/elemental attack/stat of your character, without your character INT stat, you still can rely the rest.

So, it is not big deal if you don’t INT.
PVE INT>CON is simply monsters AI is stupid and always have cleric heal so no worry on survival.
But totally different story in PvP, dead = 0 dps, so make sure you always have the best survive chance while drop some ok-ish damage.

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What do you mean by a 1:1 stat build exactly? Does it mean a 50-50 split between INT and CON or 1 point on INT and 1 point on CON every 2 stat point?

1:1 is a ratio that means 50-50 split.

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Thanks a lot for your help!

even in the wiz3>kino3>warlock build i’ll go to full con? do u have any build with this classes teaching how to put the skills and others stat points?

how much int you’d pick indo builds that uses wiz3?

the server is open now, i’ve created 2 chars, one to go to cryo3 kino3 and other to wiz3 kino3 warlock

first i’m playing the wiz3 kino3 warlock, and all that i’ve uped untill now i’ve invested in CON (I’m lvl 30)

is that right? i’ll go to full con on this build too? and what about spr/other stats?

@elysium @ethronil @Mirarara

  1. If you go full con you won’t be out dps(ing) the enemies healings. Therefore, you should to get int and con.
  2. SPR is useless at later levels BUT gives you resistance against magic attacks and crowd control (sleep, freeze, etc).

It is up to you to make your own build that fits your playstyle.