Tree of Savior Forum

Best option for Ele/Warlock

I finally hit 45 to advance to the final class problem however… I dont really know whats the ‘best’ ‘strongest’ the obvious picks are between Runecaster for Mastema combo and extra aoe, shadowmancer for high/fast single target or featherfoot for the darkness increase and some melee skills.

What do you guys think performs well with the Ele/Warlock? Preferably one where I need to use the least skills haha my controller slots pretty cramped ;p on the side note having alot of fun in rebuild right now

Pyro or/and Tao

I changed my EleWLs to PyroEleTao and its pretty good

Heard many people suggesting pyro on reddit as well is it that good right now? Or are warlocks just bad now never checked tao skills tbh so ima investigate that a bit. Question tho i have a skill reset potion but does that allow me to choose other advancements as well? And what happens to my attribute point spent quite some in ele and wl o.o

the reason why you want pyro instead of warlock in an ele build is because of the fireball+dust storm combo, its pretty strong and their cooldowns suit each other pretty well. Burn enemies which is proportional to damage dealt i think and the number of ticks from fireball and dustorm make it a pretty strong AOE damaging skill compared to warlock.

The fireball damage factor can reach 409% at level 15 with 0% attributes. Thats quite a lot of damage when you start having it tick spam AOE from storm dust onto mobs and burn them. You can cast the combo every 20 seconds so fit a taoist into your build to cast other stuff in the mean time.

Pyro also has fire pillar which can compete in terms of damage with pole of agony and provide cc. Pyro seems to be the better choice when pairing with ele.

Taoist dps is pretty good. creeping death works especially well when used on mobs with aiming from a falconer.

Thanks for the info man very nice and indeed ive today switched out my warlock for an pyro seems alot better with each other and in ur opinion taoist is better to take than omnyio?

I think taoist is overall better than onmyoji in this case. I’m not a fan of how onmyoji is now but i can see why one would want to take it. You will always have something to cast. But i find the single target dps is a bit lacking and so i think taoist might be better because of creeping death.
electrocute can combo into stormcalling.

Plus tri-charm disaster, while im not exactly sure if it boosts the elemental attacks or the property damage ie from the types like enchant fire/lightning, If it does boost however damage dealt to targets by 50% at level 10, then taoist is a very good pick because you are also boosting the dps of other teamates (mainly other wizards) in stationary content like challenge mode or even boss fights.

Would Chrono - Elementalist - Pyromancer work okay? I also feel like my Warlock sadly isn’t cutting it lately.

Trying out Omn now Fox at lv10 so far gives decent crit chance and tiger makes me go around the map pretty fast which is nice. But today ima switch over to Taoist and see how that goes certainly has some synergy going with stormcall+electro yea havent tried those tricharms yet its 50% damage increase for lightning/fire/ice right? What else should u max on Taoist tho?

I forgot to mention after testing different ele builds myself. I dont feel that electrocute is that great of a skill damage wise. But it is up to you to decide if its worth it. I just stick to csating fireball and storm dust and then moving on to other class skills.

I still got my Ele-Warlock-RC from pre-re:build and it would be heartbreaking to change it… since it was my first character in this game and I had a great time with it. But yeah, Elementalist has no synergy with Warlock, so you just get two sets of skills that now do average damage… goodbye rank #1 in Saalus or raids :frowning:

If you want to keep Ele, the new synergy is Pyro-Ele. If you want to keep Warlock, then Rune Caster is a good choice. I’m most tempted to ditch Ele in my Warlock build and choose Featherfoot instead, since Warlock-Featherfoot is gonna get better synergy in the future (and I already have an Ele-Tao build).

On itself its kinda lackluster yea would rather fire some magic missles than charge for a long casting elec with staff equipped. Gonna try out Taoist now hows the storm calling combo then?? Still not worthy to use or? How is storm calling on itself tho should I max it or 1 point it?

storm calling is good for taoist skills so you should definitely max it. Having +50% damage on eradication and creeping death charm is pretty good alone.

cast storm calling>cast all taoist offensive paper skills( mainly eradication )> electrocute. Maybe Im just not too fond of this particular rotation in practice. The damage is okay, I guess you can use it. The only thing that bothers me is the charge time on electrocute because storm calling only lasts for 13 seconds. If you can deal with that then sure.

My setup is either pyro/ele/omn or taoi i dont have both taoi and omn in this scenario is it still worth for me to max storm call for elec ? not sure how much damage storm does on its own

Also does anyone know which shield is better the magic shield or gunbu armor from omn? u cant have em both on

LOL are you seriously considering getting Genbu Armor? :haha:
Average HP of an Onmyoji: 50k-60k
Average SP of an Onmyoji: 6k-7k
Your Genbu Armor is basically a 10% buffer on your HPs and when you’re out of SP you’re in deep trouble… FYI you have a similar shield that can absorb 3k damage without costing any SP: Armaos cards.
Magic Shield absorbs 20% damage, but at the cost of 1% of your SP, so in theory you can absorb damage 100 times before running out of SP. Very useful against hard hitters, not so useful in crowded areas where you’ll get a lot of small damage ticks. I wondered why I was out of SP so fast in CM, now I learned the lesson…

alright never tried the genbu but i thought since its from a class thats not starter and higher requirements it should be better right haha but ill stick with magic its pretty good

if you have taoist, you should max storm calling because eradication and creeping death are lightning magic attacks that benefit from the storm calling.

I don’t think people take storm calling for its damage but the 50% damage boost it gives to lightning attacks on mobs which lasts 13 seconds at max level 10.

If you have tested electrocute and feel that using it while storm calling is active makes it worthwhile, then max storm calling.

Also, you can stone curse bosses now. Targets under stone curse take increase damage from fire attacks( either 25% or 50%, i can’t remember). Do note that you might not be able to stone curse certain bosses like velcoffer.

use to plan your build