Tree of Savior Forum

Best nuke class coupled with kino3

Omg i really frustate and need ur suggestion about the best damage burst class coupled with kino3 w2/ kino3 w3 and why???

But please dont pick warlock… As im a pve and pvp player and warlock suffer from the new rhevisan item that -75% all your dark damage attack

Help please

after nerf kino then nerf warlock dark damage atk with this bullshit item, is fuxking 75%!! did they use their brain to think before releasing new item?

Just a correction for all spouting -75%
Its either -60% if you just take into account gear, or -80% if you also take into account the initial DT+PoA nerf.

Wait. Wait…
Is this a good news??

  • Warlock nerf is -50% reduction on all skill at pvp…
    But it easily covered with +50% increase damage while quick cast active… So its even

  • Theres this rhevisant set that -60% dark damage… But warlock has an attribute to raise +10% dark damage… Plus invocation attribute at max to raise +30% dark attribute near the spirit… So rhevisant only reduce -20% dark damage


Well you just exposed the fact you never played warlock :x:

That 30% affects only dark attribute atk.

And plz dont add/subtract percents. = 1.65.
1.650. = 0.34 = 34% of original damage.
So it comes down to a 66% reduction.

Lastly without quickcast wizard dps is a joke.

Yes its true i never played warlock before…infact im on my way making it…

Thats why i ask and write CMIIW , because im so unsure and need detail info about this class

And the other good news is… Im making w3 kino 3 war2

So… Will i do good at TBL??

I mean its a pretty classic build, decent if youre willing to commit to it (attributes, transcendence, etc…).
Certainly not as powerful as before though. I definitely wouldnt go for glass cannon, maybe a full con or 1:1 int con build.

if you want dmg you’ll prefer wiz3>kino3>x over wiz2>kino3>x>x
currently choice avaliable IMO are
FF >not know much about this class, but I see more channelling skill, it’s okay because you have SS(still being interrupt by CC though), but without linker the class lack aoe
RC >To me only rune of destruction is strong dmg for this class, but long cast time. I this choice is more of supportive than dmg
WL >I still this build is better choice in dmg department.

Yes im so willingly to play this class…

Im planing to go 100 cont and rest to int…

Dont mean to bash but im still curious…

Is there any other way for warlock to cover the disadvantage of rhevisan set??

Like headgerar enchant or may be other dark atk increase

Im still new to this game…sorry for my clumsyness

Ummm… Im planning to do pvp but pve as well…

Yeah ff without linker will be hard againts mob…
And ff damage is also dark…it suffer from rhevisan set also

Rc… I dont really like rc… Coz it has only 2 attack skill with long cd and cost money…but the damage is good…but this class doesnt synergy well at pve with my w3 kin3

The only choice come down to warlock… Suitable with w3 kin3 and i can do pve also…even i dont take linker but thas okay…coz im focus on the damage department not buffing

You can reach respectable damage through quickcast and sp potting (7 chapparittions). 100 con is quite low once r8 rolls around. Youll likely want more con (400+?) and transcend that lv 315 weapon to stage 5-6.

This is kinda me taking guesses though.

a wiz3>kino3>wl full CON here.
Currently this path isn’t for pure dmg, but a CC build that can deal some dmg.(might be a good dmg one if WL3 get good skill when R9 come) even if rhevisan shink your WL dmg(strong gear and attribute can also help the dmg) your CC role still avaliable.

Lol… Wait wait…im playin tos indonesia…

And that transcendence thing hasnt come out from the closet yet…

Int increase only advantage multi hit am i correct??

Very nice to hear that…do u guild war a lot??

If yes… Can u kill enemy??

I’m in a small casual guild so only do guild war for attending reward is an event in the past. and as expect kill nothing(well don’t really expect 4-5 active people to do anything to dozen well-geared people from strong guild)
I do some TBL and yes I can kill some archer and some near-dead people, my role is still CC and being a sandbag though.
My problem is I have multiple characters to focus so my attribute isn’t high still only 40DT and 25PoA.

I’d say Necro. Many times I’ve seen the combo Magnetic Force + Sleep + Flesh Cannon = win TBL

How about necro at pve??
And without linker… My life will be in missery
And furhtermore… Those bug and very useless AI summon…

But i think its very good at pvp yeah… Coz the fc damage is non dark


Thank u for sharing!!!

Are imc really gonna nerf quickcast to increase 10% mag damage???

Please tell me it was just a rumour