Tree of Savior Forum

Best farming classes 2020?

Hi everyone,

I have only played the game for around 10mins years back. I like the gameplay, but quit due to low population.

I saw that there’s a new server coming soon and I’m planning to play.

I would like farming classes to get very rich and then invest in characters I want to play later.

I saw a youtube video farming class that suggests:
Schwarzer Reiter —> Thaumaturge —> Corsair

Is that a good farming class or is there a better one? Pls share👍

just playing 10 minutes and want to be served best build in silver platter?
Nothing beats gacha when you want to get very rich. Buy gacha, if you are lucky getting 10+1 all gumiho tails , you will be ultra rich within 5 minutes.

big arm farm field, big brain farm market.

That was ignorant of me. I thought, the game had the mechanism like having ranged class to farm mats to craft high quality stats gears and farm rare weapon drops, then open vendor to sell and so on like most mmo games I have played in the past…

Thank you guys for the infos.

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