Tree of Savior Forum

"Best" classes right now?

Hello people, i just come back to the game, and i’m pretty lost about the new build, that i want to make, because i was to much time using 3 builds w3-ele3-FF3, Cryo3-chrono3-sage3 and w3-ele3-WL3-RC, but now im pretty lost, but idk now which classes are on top.

Another little question is about the support classes because i read for many that chrono aren’t good anymore like it was, and FF is not a DPS class, and now the alchemist is a strong filler class, i’m to confuse T_T.

Excuse me, where the hell did you hear “chrono isn’t good”?

On the post about the rebuild.T_T

no need to be a d… mean, not everyone like the same builds so hearing/reading a build is not good from some is normal…

@Norskalkymisten You can take advantage of a reset points event that let you change your 3 classes at least once per day…

just look at the bottom left of screen for the advancement icon (paper with magnifying glass) and click on it, it will show you the classes you have on left and arrow will let you change them…

This will let you better test all 3 builds and determine which one you like more :slight_smile:

I think a lot of people who feel chrono isn’t good is because of huge changes to the class. Losing Quicken and Haste is harsh.

Then again, if you want to sacrifice 1 class rank for chrono when you could have taken another DPS rank for instance it is up to you. It depends on how you build your character. Chronomancer actually gave good synergy with Sage since Sage some Sage skills do more damage on slowed enemies. Other people take Chrono just to Pass their high damage skills in the other 2 ranks.

I personally feel that Pyromancer, Psychokino, Taoist and Onmyoji are the best classes. The first 3 is because of the synergy they have with other classes (PyroEle, PyroTao, PyroKino, CryoKino, KinoOnmy, CryoTao) and they all have pretty good damage skills. Onmyoji is because of the AOE it has.

Other ranks are also viable. It depends on how you build your class

I just want to participete on end game content, but i want to do solo thinks to, in my old case, i can solo with ele FF beaues the damage was pretty decent, and participete with my chrino-cryo sage and elelock in high end game content. but now im pretty lose which raids go and how to mix the classes, the only pair that i like is cryo tao, but i dont like the new ele because did less damage, and kino never liked i dont see the CC.