Tree of Savior Forum

Best Armor for the Chrono+cryo

I’m building a lv 350 armor for my Chronomancer, but I’m not sure what to do: I have “subzero shield” that protects me relatively well from low ranged physical attacks and “haste” that gives me 150 evasion, so I’m not sure if I should take:
-plate: for high HP and really strong physical defense (equip+subzero).
-cloth: for decent physical defense (thanks to subzero) and strong magical defense (equip).
-leather: for really high physical defense (equip+haste+subzero).
Thanks in advance.

Plate or Cloth.
Leather has lower defense and the Mastery is only good for Physical DPS chars.
Mastery changed, check them ingame if you maybe didnt knew.

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I just read the new masteries.
If I understand well, plate doesn’t give extra HP anymore, is that right?

that’s right, plate only gives physical damage reduction while cloth gives magic damage reduction.

I’d opt for Solmiki cloth or solmiki plate set, though cloth set has the benefit of adding some matk and magic amplification + more SP.

By the way, if you are not aiming for the damage reduction via attribute or Solmiki set bonus, feel free to mix 2 plate and 2 cloth parts for ± equal pdef and mdef.

That’s still way better than equipping leather (though the solmiki leather set has a few benefits in the form of extra INT and extra evasion) as your average defence will be much lower with leather armor.

Thanks for everything!
I think I’m going to use (cloth armor + shield) to have a high defense everywhere and a lot of SP (since I’m a summoner).