Tree of Savior Forum

Beheaded guard in Fedimian

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : April 19th 2018 / 08:08 CEST

Server Name: Fedimian (EU)

Team Name: Cathari

Character Name: Sagiri

Bug Description :
My girlfriend was starting the Nak Muay quests in Fedimian city when she saw Guard Leaper with no head !

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Log in with my own account (same server, team name is Delatour, character name is Vintkatre) on another computer and check. No head as well.

Screenshots / Videos :

@Delatour Already being looked into :slight_smile:

Sorry for the frightening sight…

Funny thing is that this guard is involved in the first minute of the Nak Muay unlock quest.

I guess this quest makes you lose your head. I mean, for real.

I saw a guard/soldier like this yesterday, I think it was in East Siauliai Woods.

This can happen for any soldier with the same sprite. Here’s an example in Dvasia Peak:

In fact I just completed all the quests at Dvasia Peak with this character and all soldiers there didn’t have their head. Including the one in the cutscene lol.


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Even the ghosts “suffer” from this. Here at Kule Peak.

Seems like the soldiers in Dvasia Peak got their heads back.:wink:

I see ToS devs finally playing theyre own game - as npc.

Fedimian guard is fixed as well.

Good job IMC.

Hmm someone pointed out that the latest patch with the new classes probably did a rollback on the previous patches (optimization and co), so the problem was probably not fixed… but simply removed (since it was introduced by those patches) We’ll see…