Tree of Savior Forum

Before reported anyone as bot, please ask them for sure bot or ppl?

All priest class isn’t bot, when
-use cafrisun set for increase 1 hit
-grinding in map
You should ask him before and see achivement then dont reply that bot. OK!!!
So scared when playing priest and someone stand beside me. I think he reported me as bot but he dont said anything to me. Not sure GM can check !!!

well if you’ve recently been reported you should prolly drop the random name or stop ks’ing people which is one of the main factors of getting reported

I dont use random teamname and stop ks’ing I think that no matter. Should I take yellow message top of my head " Im not bot and talk to me." ?? XD

gm wont ban you just cuz ppl report u… im sure they check ur account and other things

I’ ve seen some ppl got this problem too. He suggested me “jump and jump” when meet other ppl but sometime so lazy to spam X button. And thanks for understand my problem TT

some bots do jump… sooooo not that reliable

what i usually do is to just stop and stare back LOL
or maybe do some of those gesture macros :smiley: