Tree of Savior Forum

Battlemage possible?

Like be able to do decent damage wracking the thing along with spells in between?
Thruamage, Chrono for atk damage+speed?

Your build would be done around this staff.

But then, till you reach Lv 220 and get it in your hands, you will be relying in spells.

It’s totally possible to build a battlemage in theory. I’m not sure how well it would play, but you could mess around with something like

Cafrisun set
Arde Dagger
Anything with bonus damage

Put your stats in str/con/spr

And focus on the classes and skills that will buff you character or provide things that are useful for a melee like

Linkser’s links, thaumaturge skills, chronomancer skills

Uh here’s a not so great example focusing on buff/support skills just to show you that it’s possible as far as skills go.

You’d be reliant on getting priest buffs from pardoners too early on. I’m not sure how well it’d scale as you level but I think it could be done.

I mean heck, one of the builds I’m actually using is a full support build with two attack skills. Granted, I have a duoing partner.

It is possible, I don’t know if it is competitive or decent for pve or pvp.

You have to use cafrisun set + priest buffs.

Wiz > Pyro (enchant fire for the extra attack)>linker> thauma 3 (max left and right arm with arde dagger)> ff (for Ngadhundi + swell body combo and self sustain)



Don’t be fooled by that video. This is low level and anything there dies to cafrisun + pardoner buffs really fast.
But it is fine as leveling build to be a support later on. But remember that Linker 1 is a complete waste which means you could do something like:
Wiz - Pyro - Linker - Thauma 3 - Linker 2
Should be a good build as party support and until about 180 you feel like a battle mage. Remember to go Full CON if you do this build.

@dwojunkmail @Rabbit @zombira

mage cannot do the “smack things in melee”. the class simply doesn’t allow it.

even if you equip a sword, you’re still firing basic energy bolts for your auto’s.

that said; cafrisun+buffs -still- works for mage auto’s, and mostly everything else too.

you can, but if you really want to stick with melee and spells choose swordsman or cleric. wizard just doesnt allow melee as well as cleric and swordsman jst like tzxazreal said. if ur brave enough, sure you can do it, but dont expect to be doing better damage than swordsmen or chaplains.

Mage auto attacks are ranged attack but it’s no different than an archer shooting arrows. It’s a melee in the sense you aren’t casting any sort of skill. At least in the context of what I was saying earlier. Sorry if my wording was odd.

I was mostly saying that you’d take the same skills that you would use to support other melee classes.

“melee” is the opposite of “ranged”.

there are some functional differences between various types of auto-attack
cleric/swordie is a melee auto
archer/wizard is a ranged auto.

wiz is a “magic” attack, benefitting directly from Int, and unable to crit
everything else is a “physical” attack, benefitting directly from Str, and able to crit.

Str/Dex is 100% useless to a wizard. they benefit NOTHING from either of these stats, as they are unable to crit, and do not use any “physical” attacks.

Str/Dex is 100% useless to a wizard. they benefit NOTHING from either of these stats, as they are unable to crit, and do not use any “physical” attacks.

Except secondary attack (Dagger and staff c button) are physical attacks. For a melee Mage, going streng/dex could still work.

lol i definately wouldnt recommend a melee mage xD, if u want to melee swordsman is here, if u want magic/melee then cleric. but ive never seen a melee mage or tested it but im sure it wont be that viable

@momory32 @BlueByu

well, i mean if you -desperately- had to, i guess…

but… guaranteed plan to gimp your wizard, yea?

i mean, maybe if this game were old enough that people were starting to need “challenge runs” or something. “must be wizard. must wear plate. can’t use primary attack. can’t raise int or spr.” etc. which could be interesting xD

And if you look at what I said…

I never said that wizards were melee characters.

The only comparison I drew was in response to your @.

And the whole point of this game is it’s flexibility. There’s nothing wrong with building a character around whatever interests a player. Some of the best builds I’ve seen in other games where there was a large range of what you could do with your characters WERE the ones who tried something different.

If the OP wants to build a wizard that uses AA, then more power to em.

let 'em, it’s totally up to them. i’m just saying that a wizard cannot melee, because “ranged” is not melee; it’s literally about the word choice.

as for an AA mage itself, it is widely expected to end up being a failure.
additionally, as i said before, using Str or Dex with it would simply provide no benefit.

if you want to make an AA wizard using Str/Dex you’re guaranteed to cripple yourself.

if you make an AA wizard using Int, it probably won’t do very well, but at least it has a chance.