Tree of Savior Forum

Battle League + GvG - Full Disable

Hello again guys,
I’m theorizing a full disable and viable build for gvg/pvp and battle leagues.

I’m current:

Next ranks I’m thinking get linker c2 to share buffs with my party (we have WIZ c3 and QS C3), and last 3 circle Psy:

Stats: full con.

  1. Why not wiz c2?
    Cryo is better to levelup and have 2 freeze + ice wall to help in boss/grind with PP.

  2. Linker c1 is enough.
    Not really. You can’t play alone this game, and my party have a lot of buffs to share with Linker c2. 3s bind combo with magic 100% is better than 2s.

  3. Why psy?
    Psy have a lot of disable in the game, and have great synergy with linker.

Well, I really dunno yet how will work this build in late game and gvg/battle leagues.
Anybody with some experience in pvp/gvg with disable and that class, can help me?
Have something better than that?


Get a rank of kino way earlier for IW PP shenanigans

This, if you try to rank 5 solely on Cryo 1 your going to have a really really bad time.

Looks good though, might want to suggest you drop a rank of linker for something else, why not Wiz >Cryo > LInker> PsychoKino >psychokino> runecaster > psychokino

Runecaster isn’t in the best spot right now, but you’ll feel better in the long run w/ a few of the Runecaster skills for support etc.

Or and i know this is going to be an unpopular opinion but since you will be relying on your psychokino skills why not take an extra rank of wiz for surespell? channels can be a pain and i think in this case its applicable

If you don’t mind losing on Linker you could go Cryo C3 Kino C3 for a full cc/utility build for GvG/PvP.

The sequence is not corret. I’ll get Kino before Linker c2 to help in the levelup.

Runecaster are amazing, but without wiz c3 (quickcast) I don’t think it viable. 8s cast is sooooo long. Without linker c2, I can’t get quickcast buff from my party.
Wiz c2 only for superspell I don’t think it viable too (I’ll have the superspell with Spiritual Chain). Cryo c1 can offer more cc and Ice Wall to combo w/ PP to help in levelup.

I really love linker. It’s better than Cryo c3 (but Subzero Shield is really OP :frowning:). However, with JP + HK, you will have a “Frost Piller” with 22s CD, 3s bind (100% magic damage increase) and share damage.
I really love that synergy betwen Psy and Linker. Can be a pain for enemys in pvp.
Cryo c3 > Kino c3 is amazing too. I was undecided betwen that 2 builds. But Linker is love, hahaha!

I guess if you’re planning at being linked to someone at all times, it’s fine, but aren’t there classes that can break links? I would think you’d want to be giving something if it’s part of your core, and Subzero shield seems perfect for that. You could always take ranks in cryo later in the game if subzero shield remains insane.

I really don’t know how classes break link (except running out of range or unbind from others linker). Spiritual Chain I’ve seen working perfectly.
About Subzero Shield: well I’ll stay out of focus. Subzero Shield can be amazing if your plan is be offensive. Teleport from Kino can save me.

I know earthquake breaks links on enemies, not sure if the same would happen in PvP. Is Teleport range long enough to break Spiritual Link by mistake?

Yes, earthquake break link. Teleport I don’t know =/ Need test it.

If you are going Kino 3, I think you can drop linker for something else. Kino 3’s Gravity Pole is good enough to replace JP and Knot in my opinion. Go ahead if and get Linker 1 if you want even more disables though.

thats NOT how HK’s attribute works. In game it just deals damage equal to your MATK once when you HK linked enemies.

Unless you max it (not advisable), it won’t teleport you far enough to break Spiritual Link.

Kinos get Teleport just to get out of bad spots and around 3 points is enough.