Tree of Savior Forum

Battle Bracelet actual price?

Hi everyone!
I’ve been graced by RNGod with a BB on that event cube, but I have a question and hopefully one of you Orsha folks could help me…
See, I’ve never tried to farm one myself but I know they’re kind of a pain to get, so a lot of people would be willing to pay well for a bb. Last time I checked the market there was only one for sale, +1 BB for 8m. When I tried to sell mine, however, the cap was something close to 6m.
So, my noob-ish question is: how much is a BB really worth? Is 6m too much, or too little?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

+1 it and sell for about 7-8 mil. That would be reasonable price right now.

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I see. :open_mouth: I was thinking of keeping it for a while as well, see if the price goes up a few weeks after the event is over.
Thanks for replying btw. :smiley: