Ouch, fencers don’t use many slash attacks, right?
Well, you can still use Seism and Cleave if you choose to get them. Flanconnade is also slash, and that’s your 0 cooldown spam skill. Other than that, you are correct, they not slash oriented.
It might be a nerf to your personal build to move from critical rate percentage to slash vulnerability, but overall it’s still a fair buff to most situations for Barbarian.
Fair enough, there just doesn’t seem to be as much early class synergy with fencer as I was hoping. Another question I have is based on the SP usage. Currently as a barb, I burn through pots like nothing and I assume that will only get worse with fencers… Is there any cure? Are points in Spr worth it or is it just going to be pot spamming for my future?
Thanks for all the answers thus far
No problem at all; I’m glad to help.
You are going to burn through pots and campfires(literally) your entire career pretty much. It just is the nature of the game. There are definitely ways to offset it with external buffs and gear, but it’s just rough. You can invest in SPR, which there are rumors that it gives status resist (though unconfirmed), but I wouldn’t do it for SP. Your stat points would be better allocated elsewhere.
If you want early synergy with Fencer you have a few options. Peltasta works very well with them, particularly due to their passive attributes. Swordsman’s Restrain is VERY nice with Fencer due to their rapid-attacking style. It’s honestly the only future class I’d ever go Swordsman circle 3 with. Rodelero is amazing going into Fencer as well. They were pretty much designed for this.