Tree of Savior Forum

Balancing on new elec/meteor?

After the most recent patch for 2OH on meteor/ electrocute, it seems the damage for meteor was nerfed abit?
i used to hit 555,555 on 140 boss, now im hitting like 410ks.

[Edit]: nvm so it seems like both electrocute and meteor do 1/2 of their damage as before patch, BUT it has 2OH for it.
So technically for first cast its a nerf, but in certain cases where the mob might die anyways its a buff cuz u can hit more.

Wait what, really? The tooltip has the same scaling prior to the update, so if that’s actually true that sounds more like a bug or they forgot to update the tooltip with new values, but on ktest it was never nerfed so it would be strange if we got some ninja nerf.

I hope its a bug than a ninja nerf if its damage was actually halved. I don’t remember what I was dealing with my electrocute and meteor prior to the patch since I wasnt playing for a while until the patch came out…


I’m hoping it’s a bug too. but I dunno if that’s actually the case or if that’s how they balance it. I can definitely confirm that both electrocute and meteors casts have significantly less damage than before though. (roughly 1/2).

however the 2OH makes it technically be the same damage as before of you were to combined both cast damages. however there’s the issue of cast time…

personally I don’t like it being 1/2 the damage but 2OH after testing it. it’s not practical against solmiki mobs and bosses. (cuz chrono pass etc).

Since matk can’t crit there’s no reason for them to decrease the damage to half even if the OH are increased to 2, that’s basically just making the skills worse than before since you have to cast them twice, that’s a huge lose on DPS, can’t even be called “balancing”, if you have enough evidence you should tag a staff member to confirm if this is intended or if it’s a bug.

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unfortunately it’s hard to find evidence since I didn’t really make a video of it right before the patch. so i can’t accurately see the damage numbers.

however, being an elememe main. I can 100% guarantee the damage done has decreased on each cast. this is just the damage numbers/feelIngs of using it every single day.

I run solmiki/salads and world bosses everyday from way before the new klaip patch. I can notice the damage numbers being less than usual.

while I’m not sure if it’s exactly 1/2 of the damage, due to again no videos before patch, it certainly does feel that way.

for clarification, I was always consistently hitting 555,555 on mine loader at 140 dun using a Trans 6 weapon. (no buff, using 8xchap) before patch.
I now use a Trans 8 weapon and I’m Hitting 410,000. this makes absolutely no sense as I should be stronger.

I tested it multiple times in 140 dun after patch. I can’t seem to hit the damage cap of 555,555 anymore with meteor…

also electrocute used to hit really high for me, like it could kill 4-5 solmiki mobs and make the rest of the ones hit have like half hp-ish. (using 8xchap).

now it only kills like 2-3 max and makes the rest a bit lower hp. (same conditions).

I still see the same numbers on both kills, with and without chaps.

hmm that’s interesting, one of my other frnds tried meteor lvl 4 prepatch. 150k without chap.
after patch he tried lvl 7 meteor without chap. it was still 140-150k. this is really weird considering the damage should have increased.

perhaps this might be a hidden bug with surespell or quick cast. I will test using with/without ss/qc and both spells when I get home later today. will update with numbers

It’s probably a bug, if you check both Electrocute and Meteor on they have the same %skillfactor on both iTOS and kTOS/kTEST:

Seems the same for my character. Difference is due to the lack of OP Pardoner Sacrement
which provides 1.5k Holy Property Dmg
Sorry i cant help you test the meteor part, 0 points invested in it

Common Factors/Variables

-Weapon used
-Rain Debuff
-8 Chappas

another thing to note, i am not a wizard3, no QC/Surespell was involved

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ok after some testing, ive noticed that while normally playing, elec and meteor seems to be similar than before, however for some reason, in 140 dun, my meteor which used to hit 555,555 dmg cap is now only hitting 400k-410k with x8 chappa on.
which is REALLY weird. I tested with quick cast and without, surespell and without. seems to be no visible bugs for now.
Perhaps they did a ninja buff on dungeon boss mdef and thats why. if thats the case then its all explainable.

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