Tree of Savior Forum

Balance Talk: Jan 6, 2017

and this is how IMC called it Balance :joy:

IMC best troll ever!! :+1:


Here are my suggestions.

  1. Please reduce the effect of Asurine in TBL and PvP, where each charge reduces the timing by 2 seconds.

  2. Please reduce the effectiveness of Gohei in TBL and GvG. I suggest increasing the CD, making the success chance based on level (like disenchant), or making the success chance base on stats. Just not 100% rapid fire.

This is coming from a player that mains clerics and has both classes.


Could be a good idea, but as a doppel/barb 3, prolonging the debuff’s duration is really useless.

Maybe add an attribute to amplify the defense lowering effect like concentrate/gung ho, so it will give more atk, or make it so that we could have warcry 100% uptime, increase the range so it gives us a taunt effect, reduce its animation time… I don’t know there is so much obvious ideas and you choose this.
Giving us additional seconds for at best 30 defense reduction, it means nothing.

We got a warcry: duration added which gives 10 more sec on the buff, but gives 10 sec additional on cooldown. Kinda stupid.

Let’s just start by giving us the Wild EFFECTS, and not just the attribute when we run, seriously, it’s here for nothing.
I feel like you’re giving a small cookie to a group of starving kids and feeling proud about it.

[quote]- Added stamina-reducing attribute to Double Punch

  • Reduced Energy Blast charging time to 0.25 sec
  • Reduced cooldown of Golden Bell Shield to 120 sec[/quote]
    I like these, I approve for the first two, but golden bell shield will stay untouched and useless as long as we can’t move like the 115 dun enemies.
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Most swordies wet dream

proper dual wielding

only in art

  • Reduced stamina consumption for Double Weapon Assault according to Jolly Ranger skill level

we want Corsairs to prove their worth not just as leaders of a group, but as capable solo fighters too.

AHAHAhahaha… oh IMC you’re killing me

By the time this balance patch reaches iTOS

ayyy I can altready feel the 3+months of waiting game again.

more like

Please adjusts the effect of skills for TBL and PvP

ToS PvP has almost 0 tactics involved as long as you play certain classes.

edit: I just noticed this is the same kr post that got translated in the kToS thread, :V meh… IMC.


Agree, but we need to be very specific. I am sure you understand where I am coming from.

Fine you have a point. Leaving balancing decisions to the kr overlords will likely give us another [RESOLVED] moment.

Then again never has any kr game I’ve played ever made a balancing patch based on players ideas.(DFO is exempted cos their devs are real nerds that play their own game)

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What about the non-implemented changes that Barbarian, Corsair and Rune Caster (and I think Cannonner changes too) already have in KToS but not IToS?

Are you planning on giving corsair that new pillage, fever and ricochet? And what about rune caster reduced cooldowns and Rune of Justice new Overheats and Holy Element?

What are the reasons (in terms of balancing ) behind the fact that some classes need to keep spending silver on materials just to cast skills? And some of those are really expensive btw. Runecaster is generally only usable with cryos anyway, long cd and needs expensive mats for skills. Similar to toaist who mostly works best with krivis only and needs expensive mats for skills.

am ready to talk about balance, where is it?_?

I don’t use those classes nor I do pvp so am not 100% sure if they truly need balance or not…

that been said, I know there are other classes that need more help than a barbarian :confused:

just don’t pull away from one side to balance the other, even at the top a bad placed card can make the pyramid fall…

Hey @system / @moderators / @TOSTeam / whoever I’m supposed to @, this thread is unsurprisingly going to be mostly trolls and nonconstructive shitposters but thanks for finally showing some indication to the international players that you’re taking balance seriously and showing us some transparency. I know a lot of people playing the international version have felt like their feedback goes totally unacknowledged and I hope that was never your intention.

Anyway, as someone who fell in love with Corsair and never wants to play another class ever again, I’m glad you’re at least mentioning them as a class that needs work, even if the only change discussed so far seems really mediocre. I’d like to air some of my own thoughts about Corsair and what’s wrong with the class right now.

First and foremost, the class’s role doesn’t seem very clear, which is something you guys have addressed here so I’m glad this is understood. Right now there are four things Corsairs are supposed to do according to their skills, but only one thing they’re actually good at and even then not all the tools in their kit work right. Those things are:

  1. Farming - the thing Corsairs are actually good at, boosting silver gain and drop rate for themselves and their entire party. However, even the farming parts of their kit are very wonky. While it’s possible to loot from bosses, it’s very, very rare that it happens, far more rare than reviving bosses as a Chronomancer. Because so much of the loot in the game now comes from bosses and only bosses, this makes Corsair a weaker farming character.

Their other ‘farming’ skill, such as it is, currently serves no purpose at all - Open Chest should probably be removed and replaced with something more functional. I don’t think there is currently anything Open Chest allows you to do that can’t be done by any other character, so it’s effectively a complete waste of a skill. Even if you have plans for it down the road, it seems like it would be more appropriate to remove it for now and re-add it later as an attribute or something rather than a core skill.

  1. Party leader/buffer - the thing you seem to be moving the class towards. I’m glad, because this is always what I saw the class as, but the upcoming change seems like a very strange way to do it. Increasing Missile damage when a combo is reached really only makes Corsair an archer supporter, not a party leader. The previous version of Jolly Roger was very weak, but its bonus at least effected everyone equally, while the new one will only help Archers and one skill from the Corsair himself.

Additionally, there are some issues with Corsair’s party support in general - Jolly Rogers are immobile and require hitting a combo within the zone to activate, while most grinding and dungeon parties will be moving through the area very quickly instead of fighting around the flag. Before, the cooldown was low enough that you could keep up, but with the new version the cooldown is being increased significantly so this will no longer be the case, and I fear that outside of Earth Tower and boss fights Corsair’s support will be weak or irrelevant. Also, another issue albeit minor but still annoying, is that you cannot use Swashbuckling while equipped with a Pistol.

  1. Damage dealer - or “solo fighter” as you call it. Right now Corsair has 4 DPS skills, and only one is actually strong (but still not that strong). Dust Devil is a low damage Slashing-type skill that hits 3 times and has a minor stun effect in a reasonable hitbox, but overall the skill is very weak, scales poorly, and is so slow to use that it’s usually not even worth it except against a group of Cloth-armor enemies. With Spear Lunge increasing the damage of Piercing skills, even Cloth enemies will be taking a lot more damage from a single Hexen Dropper than from all 3 of your charges of Dust Devil. It’s not a big deal, because it’s only a Circle 1 skill, but it would be nice if it got attributes to make it stronger at higher Circles. Currently, Corsairs have very few attributes for any of their skills.

Hexen Dropper and Double Weapon Assault are your Circle 2 damage skills, and Hexen Dropper is your one truly strong and reliable skill. However, it’s still not without its downsides, because it has a very long cooldown and a small hitbox meaning it’s hard to reliably clear large groups of enemies with it, and often it won’t be available for the next group. This would be less of an issue if Double Weapon Assault weren’t so weak. I’m glad this skill is being improved, but the improvements don’t seem drastic enough to make it good. Currently you can’t use it with a Pistol, which I know is being changed, but that won’t make the biggest difference in your DPS anyway. The stamina drain makes the skill very difficult to use for more than a few seconds, and I don’t think having that tied to Jolly Roger will help much, because again Jolly Rogers will have a long cooldown and be immobile so you’ll only really be able to use this skill near a Jolly Roger. Even in the best case scenario, it’s still not a very strong skill. It increases your basic attack DPS some, but compared to other basic attack skills like Running Shot or zero cooldown skills like Split Arrow or Attaque Composee it does very low damage, and it requires you to stand still to use it.

Finally at Circle 3 you’ve got Pistol Shot, which is a very underwhelming skill for a Circle 3. Considering Corsair gets nothing else at Circle 3, one would expect Pistol Shot to be a very powerful skill, but it’s actually much weaker than Hexen Dropper. Its plus side is that it has a wider hitbox, but it has a small target limit, it’s slower to use, and it does less damage overall. I know it’s getting a new attribute, but from what I’ve seen and heard about it it’s still only an ‘okay’ skill. I wouldn’t mind Pistol Shot only being ‘okay’ if Corsair got anything else at Circle 3. I think perhaps a good solution would be to move Double Weapon Assault to Circle 3, so that it can be made stronger and worth leveling up and using while also making Circle 3 Corsair better overall.

  1. Disabler - this is essentially what Corsair does in PVP thanks to Iron Hook, but it’s currently pointless in PVE. Keelhauling is also not a very useful ability even in PVP because it doesn’t drag very far, doesn’t do much damage, cannot be used with the multi-target attribute that makes Iron Hook good to begin with, and forces Iron Hook to end early so you can’t even drag them to you and hit them. As previously mentioned, Dust Devil also has a minor stun effect, but it’s not very noticeable in PVE and impossible to hit anyone with in PVP because it’s slow and melee and has a short range. Even though this is arguably Corsair’s most minor role for a dedicated Corsair, it’s currently the only thing anyone picks Corsair for, and then they only pick a single Circle to get access to Iron Hook. There isn’t much to say about this other than it’s dedicating two of your Circle 1 skills purely to PVP, and one of those skills isn’t even useful in PVP, meaning that on top of this plus Open Chest and Dust Devil not being worth spending skill points on you basically will not spend any skill points except in Jolly Roger as a Circle 1 Corsair if you’re going Circle 3 and not PVPing.

The other biggest problem with Corsair is that Circle 3 is a rank 7 class and they have no class to advance to in Rank 8. This was probably the main thing that caused everyone to abandon their Corsairs. Lancer has to use a two-handed spear AND be mounted, so it’s doubly incompatible with Corsair who uses weapon+subweapon and has several skills usable only on foot, while Murmillo has to use a shield for most of their skills and provides a bunch of buffs to classes that are based on shields and Blunt damage, while Corsair is usually focused on spears and Pierce damage.

At Rank 7 there is only Templar, which isn’t an option if you don’t want to make your own guild, and Dragoon, which is essentially what all Corsairs who went the typical spear path are forced into, but it sucks going back a rank while everyone else just got a lot more powerful. There’s also Shinobi, but like Murmillo it’s a class that is mostly built around working with other specific classes, and none of Corsair’s skills work with Shinobi clones. The non-spear Corsairs, like those that went Barbarian or Highlander instead of Hoplite, are in even worse luck because they have to go way back to Rank 6.

The solution a lot of us were hoping for was that there would be some new hidden class at Rank 8. However, now that most people have chosen their Rank 8 class and the once-in-a-lifetime-rank-reset has been given out, this either won’t happen or will be a slap in the face to everyone who didn’t abandon their Corsair.

There are other problems with Corsair in general, but those are largely irrelevant until the class has a real direction and a future (via synergy with higher rank classes). So, my advice to IMC if they managed to read through all that and take it into account, is to figure out what a Corsair is supposed to be doing, and then redesign its skills to actually fulfill that, because right now Corsairs just seem like they have a random assortment of skills that give them the tools to suck at anything they want. They’re the “Jack of all trades, master of none” except Jack hit himself in the head with a hammer and forgot all his trades, and in a party you want characters that are specialized to do one or two things well instead of four things poorly.

Personally my dream Corsair would be a strong team supporter and farmer that people would actually want in their grinding parties to provide buffs and additional loot, while also being an okay damage dealer - not as strong and flashy as your typical Dragoons and Fencers and Doppels, but that would be made up for in their team support. The PVP and disabler elements could go entirely and I’d be perfectly happy, though I know a lot of people with one rank of Corsair in their build wouldn’t be. Also, maybe slip that hidden class in at rank 9, pretty please.


Feel like sharing my post in here too. Really appreciate the devs listening to feedback!

Major class ‘balancing’ announced AFTER you give us the limited time rank reset. We love you IMC

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They’re going to reward the loyalists who didn’t reset their bad classes.

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@SlyGoat Don’t lose hope yet, you’re my corsair idol. :heart_eyes:

I bet that rank 9, in term of physical attack, will be the reign of (spear)corsair and monk. :slight_smile:

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I love the warlock changes… Hahaha…

Is time to upgrade mastema skill during promotion time…

I’m going to use my reset to change the Templar of my now-dead guild into a second Corsair that uses swords just in case IMC ■■■■■ spear-corsair.

The HopSairs, Kraken hunters will live on!
At the very least, my 4th swordie will be a hop2sair2goon2 for sure.

Much more sane and reasonable build than anything Corsair3 for sure. Even if Sair3 was amazing instead of terrible, it’d be questionable given your R8 choices.

As a wiz3-thauma3-warlock2
Yes, the mastema attribute dot dmg need to apply 20s as well, and remove dmg deduction, make it a legit AoE spell.

As thauma, i feel sad for this class.

  • occupy many buff slots
  • low duration and keep as buff slave
  • scale with int is good but bad when compare with gem and trans, need scale more
  • left hand doesnt apply pistol and cannon
    i hope imc will concern on it as well, hopefully give c3 attribute to able take 2h staff as 1h
    able enlarge object like sage duplicate object, it will be good combo with sage/pyro/cryo. able grab item to throw or smash item to blow them
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