Tree of Savior Forum

Backmasking-mystery and chrono on general

Hello guys,

new guy here, be gentle :slightly_smiling_face:

So my build is Omni-rune-chrono.

I’ve got a question how does backmasking work with art:mystery which ports you to postion you last used the skill. Does that mean you get ports you to different map if you last used it there? Is it worth picking it up?

Also I’ve got question on reincarnation, should I use revive ally? How do you decide on attributes?
Same question for abillity Stop. Should I use stop:break time for myself?

I can see myself using both options so I don’t know what’s ideal or prefered in parties.

My current build looks like this

On chrono I still got all the skill points avaliable to distribute.

I’ve read forum threads where people were saying you should ‘‘ditch’’ rod and shield for staff.
My goal is able to do all the game content and do PVP.

Thank you for all insights.
