Tree of Savior Forum

Autoswitch mechanics for other classes?

Dear IMC ToS Team,

Thank you for what you are doing with the game right now. Some of my guildmates are coming back and it brings me joy.

Today, I wanted to speak to you about autoswitch. As you know, there is currently a mechanic implemented for Archer class, allowing them to auto-switch weapons when using corresponding skills.

Even though this system is seriously bugged in several ways (not just FPS, take a look here), it is still a great asset to have, seriously improving variativity of Archer builds.

Do you have plans on making this system apply to all four classes? If not, let me kindly ask you to consider it. At the very least, it will seriously improve variativity of Swordsmen builds, allowing for streamlined dual-stance builds, and that is a good thing, no?

Kind regards,
ToS Fan

@hkkim @STAFF_Max

I don’t know what you mean by all four classes, all the classes have weapon swap attribute, cleric don’t have a skill for specific weapons, except a debuff for sword that is from attribute.

Swordies cast skills as long as the weapons and off-hand gear is in the weapon swap slots.

Wiz are the same as Clerics.

I am not sure what key is to do the swap manually on keyboard/mouse mode, but on controller you press the right stick button.

Archers don’t need to press anything.

Autoswitch is the first word of the title… How can you miss the point of this thread ?


I agree with you, but if only the game was not freezing every time you switch weapon °0°".

i think only archers and swordies has weapon restriction.
Now, archer dont need to weapon swap to use skills, but sword still need to do it, that is the point OP is talking about.

Same as swordies, they don’t need to swap unless you are switching for more damage based on the armor type of the monster.

You can use 2h Sword/Spear and use peltasta skills as long as you keep the required gear in the weapon swap slots.

Did they changed it? i should try on my QS to see if i can use its skills with a bow only.

I did put an Xbow+shield and a bow on the weap switch slots so i can cast w/e i want from QS while using a bow.

Please dont spread info that is simply not true.

@staff @moderators

Dear IMC,

I beg you to review this question. With upcoming rank8, it is actually important.

Kind regards,