Tree of Savior Forum

Automatic Banning of Accounts based on Adventurer Index

Bots are a huge hassle now for everyone and the forums are full of suggestions on how to get rid of them, this is one of those suggestions. only read the big text if your lazy, it’s that simple


but before banning them


the game has a feature that ranks ALL characters by their adventurer’s index and finding high level characters at the bottom of this ranking would be as easy as using a filter function on a spreadsheet

this is plain obvious yet why are there high level bots still roaming around?


i went too far with automatically banning them, but the adventurer’s index is one very good way to filter out possible botters, they can then just investigate those list further to avoid banning actual players, my main point here is that some characters are obvious botters just from their adventurer’s index yet why haven’t they took action on them…

for reference, my lvl 28 character already has an adventurer’s index of 2606, my lvl 67 character has an index of 8748, and my lvl 133 character has an index of 21583, but i must admit that i am a quest grinder so i make sure i don’t miss any quests, now if you say that some people are willing to grind all the way however inefficient and unlikely it is, those people are very small in number but they will still be able to get better index than the botters i am trying to single out

if you look at the reports at the bot sections, here’s one from me, you can see that those obvious botters have indexes of around 4k with levels reaching 140, all chaplains, all wearing cafrisuns

it just astonishes me that these obvious bots are left to roam on the servers

You cant ban people just because their adventurer index is low. some people actually dont do quests and just grind. i have a friend who says hes not gona do quests and just go grin and see how far he goes without questing… IMC just needs a security feature that detect certain behavior like certain clicks or paths or something lol

As simple as that sounds and as true as that may be you can’t assume all of those characters are really bots, as the person above said the only real option is a system that prevents the third party software from controlling the characters in game or a system that detects certain patterns the bots have.

Im pretty sure there are a number of things that can auto detect a bot with 100% chance (and by that I mean no false positives, or not detecting any normal player amongst the bots)…

For example: bots that have a high movement vs standing still ratio, very high number of logged in hours per game session, low adventurer index, uses some of the most common bot classes (swordsman/cleric), has weird names and doesn’t advances in rank for a bunch of levels, has high levels, goes to maps with high level differente, and so on.

Im pretty sure you could still catch a ridiculous amount of bots with this given query, and its almost impossible to capture a players unless his playstyle is to simultate a bot behavior.

i went too far with automatically banning them, but the adventurer’s index is one very good way to filter out possible botters, they can then just investigate those list further to avoid banning actual players, my main point here is that some characters are obvious botters just from their adventurer’s index yet why haven’t they took action on them…

for reference, my lvl 28 character already has an adventurer’s index of 2606, my lvl 67 character has an index of 8748, and my lvl 133 character has an index of 21583, but i must admit that i am a quest grinder so i make sure i don’t miss any quests, now if you say that some people are willing to grind all the way however inefficient and unlikely it is, those people are very small in number but they will still be able to get better index than the botters i am trying to single out

if you look at the reports at the bot sections, here’s one from me, you can see that those obvious botters have indexes of around 4k with levels reaching 140, all chaplains, all wearing cafrisuns

it just astonishes me that these obvious bots are left to roam on the servers

I understand what you are saying, and I agree that that is a great way of detecting bots. If I were IMC I would use that as part of the detection system because it eliminates most active players, though some active players are botting as well. I hope IMC is working on a system that will more or less kill all bots when they complete/finish testing it, but that is just me being hopeful.

Tfw you have low adventurer index but high level