Most of the proposals here don’t really work to fix the problem.
There’s a really simple solution to fix Ausrine in pvp.
Limit the effect to a set radius around the Ausrine statue.
Hellyers isn’t wrong when he says you can outplay Ausrine, the problem is generally that people don’t even try to outplay it. Most people have a specific “tactic” that they use with their build every time and they attempt to do it in every game instead of adapting to the circumstances of the fight they happen to be in.
With that said, certain compositions can be pretty broken. Most of these would be fixed by limiting the range of Ausrine so that players can simply stay out of range of the invlunerability.
I guarantee half of the players in 5v5 will still ignore it and rush to their deaths, but it would be a start. Hopefully when premades are allowed in pvp people will learn more about the correct choices they should be making. The biggest problem wih 5v5 is 5 people all trying to play solo instead of as a team. This is why 2v2 is a much more rewarding experience.
I’m guessing that in testing IMC all play properly together and are also pretty friendly instead of playing by pretending to be the kinds of players that seek out the most broken and trolly tactics they can. Nobody wants to make their coworkers hate them.