Tree of Savior Forum

Attendance icon, where's it

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) :

Server Name:Klaipeda

Team Name:Nightbringer_

Character Name:Bloody

I mean in the event: Wings of Vaivora Daily Attendance Event

STEP 1. Enter the game from the Team Lobby.

STEP 2. Click on the Attendance button from the Attendance Reward Check UI that pops up upon entering the game. Or if you closed the UI by mistake, you can click on the attendance icon under the settings menu that can be accessed at the bottom right of the game screen.

STEP 3. You will be able to find your attendance reward in your character’s inventory.

I just can’t find the attendance icon any screen shot? thanks for the help :smiley:

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Attendance event starts on April 1 and ends on April 26. Then it’ll be back in May. This means you won’t get the icon until next Monday I think.

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