Tree of Savior Forum

Attack Speed?!?!

In the character stats i don’t see attack speed. Since the Re:Build update i have been trying to get the fastest basic attack with my Assassin>Rouge>Corsair. Using a combo of Hasisas from Assassin, Double Weapon Assault from Corsair and double attack buff from the Scout tree I spam Z+C back and forth and notice the timing on the damage is a little off. Is there anyway to maybe improve the tree to have attack speed and/or have the attack speed be equal to the timing of the damage shown? Thank you team!

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I dont believe there is a way to really see the ASPD stat as a whole.
But you can test it by auto attacking or spamming skills.

Honestly the ASPD in this game is some kind of a gray zone try to stay away from it unless like many people claim they have super low ping/latency.

ASPD so far my knowledge should be use solely for spamming your skills faster.

Hope this helps.

Ever since the new Re:Build I have noticed that i have used so many SP pots, id go through all my skills once and have to use a SP pot. I remember relying on auto attacking when i was a lower level but now 300+ i its all skills and sp pots.
I would love to be able to use the double weapon assault to have really fast dagger sword combo (if i could i would use 2 daggers). Kinda like Ragnarok double dagger combo with all agi and some str and dex.
I wish to be balanced and not so skill heavy, hopefully saying it here will help improve the game

Hasisas from Assassin its seems dont make any change in my aspd, i have 500 pts in dex… seems the max aspd in game.

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I agree! I think they need to state the ASPD so we know when we hit the cap!

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