Tree of Savior Forum

Attack Speed w/ different kinds of weapons

does attack speed differ depending of weapon type?

or does atk speed even matter as of current patch?(unli skill chain?)

since im going for swordsman, is there a skill that increase aspd aside from dop and cor?

using a subweapon and alternating attack buttons I hear indirectly increases attack speed via animation cancelling. think of it like a Riven combo on league, proper animation cancelling can allow a full Q auto Q auto Q auto combo happen in 1.5 seconds.

however, animation cancelling to do this in ToS is probably a very minor increase in attack speed.

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Off-hand weapons somewhat cancel the delay of the main-hand and you should be able to use it when basic attacking.

Weapons also affect attack speed, but don’t expect huge differences.

Attack speed can’t go too slow or too fast like in RO1.

Only certain builds can truly rely on all their damage coming from their basic attacks, since some rely on a skill for it instead.

I do not have enough information, but DEX doesn’t increase your attack speed.

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The barb ability that gives bonus damage for a duration stacking up for each consecutive hit on a target would scale really well with higher attack speed, faster stacking and more attacks at max stacks = more damage than slower attack speed.

But I believe skills with multiple attacks built in do the same thing, I guess one just has to combine both :stuck_out_tongue:

I for one love the flavor of hitting multiple times per 1 attack, and hope there is an item with an ability that grants higher attack speed, or extra hits on proc.

thnx pips! ill give you guys love

edit: i think i saw a spear that hits 3 time per atk

That’s a skill called pierce. It hits multiple times depending on the size of the target :smile:

too bad its 2hand

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Man I hope the dragoon class uses that thing, it looks awesome.

Wow that weapon looks awesome :open_mouth: drools*

Only works against large-gigantic targets as well. (The consecutive attacks I mean.)