Tree of Savior Forum

Attack Skills will be useless when the time comes?

GENERAL IDEA: attack skills in lower ranks soon be useless in higher ranks.
NOTE: this topic concerns [ Damage Skills ], not [ Buff Skills ] ^^! just in case

Example: (just pick one class for example, I don’t mean to complain about Archer skills particularly)
_ You go pure Archer and invest many skill points for many good damage skills.
_ Pure Archer is lack of AoE damage (MultiShot is good), but strong at one-target shooting skills.
_ Then, when you come to rank 5, you go pure Fletcher and wow…
_ Fletcher’s shooting skill is nice, good effects, great AoE
_ Finally, I am too busy using Fletcher skills, just get rid of Archer skills. :cry: poor Archer
(Fletcher has three 3s cooldown skills comparing to three 0s cooldown skills of Archer)
(and 3 AoE Skills comparing to 1 AoE skill of Archer)

Good solution: Go for pure Archer (or Ranger/QShooter) and then pick some classes having good buff skills in higher ranks.
_ This one is a wonderful choice. You can go for Scout, Wugushi or Rogue to improve AoE damage or gain skills with nice effects.
_ However, it still seems that Archer is less efficient and joyful to play comparing to Fletcher in later game.

Bad case: Wanna play Fletcher. Should I go buffs in lower ranks and have Fletcher in later game?
_ Er… In general, we concern about every class (including Swordsman, Wizard, Cleric), not only Archer, so it depends on many things to know the path “buff > pure” is good or not.
_ In Archer case, there are few buff skills in lower ranks. Indeed, you still throw away many things when you become Fletcher. But, yeah, best solution I got now is that you go pure Archer with max Swift step and max Kneeling Shot, these 2 buff skills will help you a lot in grinding mobs and fighting Boss => level up quickly to advance to Flectcher soon. If everyone gonna do that, it would be boring and QShooter/Ranger would become history :sweat_smile:

_ Poor lower rank classes, there may be lack of space for them to show off their skills in later game.
_ Attack skills of higher rank classes will be used more usually, and attack skills of lower rank classes may be forgotten.
_ I just wonder why we have to go such a long way to reach highest class and then abandon many thing we got before.
_ When saying “80 classes”, it should be that every class has their own strong points and typical features to go on the whole game as you go pure on each class, fair and square.

I noticed this too when using a swordsman, I got into circle 2 and my autoattack started doing more then my level 10 thrust.
Add some scaling from physical damage onto skills(at a low rate then magic skills scale) which should make all skills useful later classes, while keeping the new skills more useful too since they will have a higher base attack value.

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Depend on job and Attribute you learn.
If you play to circle 3 and max attack skill to 15. Some skill might be powerful than higher rank job with max 5 skill.

For example my pyro 2 lv 10 fireball vs elementalist all lv5 attack skill = My fire ball kill everything for me till I reach last rank at lv 181. I’m not even bother to use elementalist skill unless in boss fight when every other skill have cooldown.

You forgot about the types of possibilities a single job can possess. Most notably a barbarian doesn’t require that many active skills to hit decently with auto attacks. It really depends on how you actually build your character and the attributes s/he posses.

Do you mean on the same monster? because Trust is a stab attack and your sword AA does slashing damage. Trust should still beat your AA’s when hitting a stab weak monster.

Against some bosses Trust did more then AA, but apart from that auto attacks did more 90% of the time which was disappointing.

Well the issue is that honestly the vast majority of monster you run into from level 1-40 are slash weak and slash weak monster resists stab damage.

Slash weak is strong vs stab
Blunt weak is strong vs slash
Stab weak is strong vs blunt

Why did you compare things in such a unfair condition? (Lv10 Fire Ball vs Lv5 Elementalist’s Skills)?
Why don’t you compare Energy Bolt Lv5 with Fire Ball Lv1?
(==> Energy Bolt Lv5 is completely stronger than Fire Ball Lv1)

  1. It’s better to compare pure-class-to-pure-class. If you advance to many different classes, it’s just a mess of skills.

  2. Compare 2 skills at the same level, at the same “Damage Increase Attributes” level.

  3. Side-effect Attribute should not be concerned since they are too different. They should be concerned as advantages of skills.

  4. Ok, it’s not all cases that attack skills will be useless in later game, but in many cases. FireBall may has good damage, but is it really greater than all Elementalist skills? Wow, it is. Not in all cases but it’s great :smile: Now I notice that, thank you.

  5. Hope Wizard’s skills are still often used, and other skills of Pyro, too. :wink:

Due to above thinking, I come up with a suggestion in this post:

You guys should have a look. I am really looking for your replies. Thank you ^^

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Party with a Linker :wink:

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I’m mainly use fireball so I just pick stuff that I often use as an example. As for you question

I think it’s pretty hard to compare after all since some skill will start with very high damage from lv1
(ex. earthquake start with 112 dmg at lv1)

  1. My build was wiz > pyro > pyro > ele > sorc > alche
    I saw you was talking about attack skill in lower ranks soon to be useless in higher ranks. I have no idea if you mean rank by ‘rank’ or ‘circle’ or ‘lv of skill’ because I thought that my pyro rank 3 vs ele rank 4.
    My bad if I misunderstand it. after I read your reply I guess maybe you want to compare as rank 1 circle 1,2,3 vs rank 4 circle 1,2,3.

  2. Well look in pic above.
    Lv 5 Energy Bolt it do more dmg than Fireball lv 1
    lv 5 Energy Bolt do less damage than Lv5 Fireball (Fireball have 201 ATK and can do 5 hits at lv 5)
    It’s all base from skill lv. Higher circle > higher max skill lv = more damage it have and can be with an exception of how skill will attack (ex. DOT, Normal hit, Spread, Multiple targer, etc.)

  3. If compare with Ele circle 2,3 who have more skill + higher skill level it can possible to be good than fireball. But It’s all depend on how person choose their job from lower rank. I can’t say it since I didn’t play ele 2,3. Their skill not bad or weak it’s just not match my play because of charge/cast time. Some skill also doing good damage in ele circle 1 but downside is pretty long cooldown that it have.

  4. With wizard skill I’m only using earthquake so far. After I change to fireball I never ever use Energy Bolt again lol

I think not all lower rank skill will be useless though. Some skill could possible still useful.
It’s all depend on player style if they found that skill are still useful or not.

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OMG :)) it’s not really a question :)) so you don’t need that screenshots :))
Sorry, I’m an Asian. I shouldn’t use that expression in my writing :stuck_out_tongue:
That question implies different meaning and don’t need to answer :))
It’s a special kind of expression. Ok, never mind ^^

Lastly, thank you for your reply. It’s really helpful ^^

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lol It’s ok I was wondering too don’t worry about it.
I’m also Asian so I might misunderstand stuff sometime. :stuck_out_tongue:

But really after saw that energy bolt I believe they should change that skill dmg scale
It seems too weak really…

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