Tree of Savior Forum

[ASK] The Linker's nerf

Is there any hope for them to look into HK or that skill is just down the drain? Honestly if HK is so bad I might aswell go with a meele tank instead

They may change it, after seeing the crap it will become when iToS starts, maybe some 0.4*skill level? so people who invest more circles get something out of it (2 seconds for each 5 points is reasonable).

If you go Cryo -> Linker HK is REALLY useful, because you can insta cast Ice Pike which will then freeze then in place, or even ice wall which also does the same. The animation time on both of these are basically the same time HK’s root lasts. And once frozen, well you have 5 seconds to do anything to a bunch of knitted together mobs :smiley:

I agree. I am using a Cryo/Linker build and it works great.

I do think HK needs a buff. Maybe an attribute obtainable on the second circle which boosts the duration by a flat few seconds.

I am using this build if anyone is curious.

I dont have this build though it seems perfect (possibly with thaum) for use with the Power Staff.

If possible when you get to 220 could you test it out for your auto attacks and to see if it has any effect on Icewall bullets?

I’ll be sure to do so.