Tree of Savior Forum

As a glass archer, should i re-enchant this HC?

Murmillos will love that!

Anyways, if you’re mostly soloing, it’s great to have that on switch in case you need that extra pDef boost.

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150% of 100 is 150. Not 250… And the margin depends on your crit. I don’t want to be the people’s calculator when it’s so simple. I might eventually make an excel though

It’s good for soloing… I have a def/mdef set so I can solo the high level dungeons without taking damage. Already big enough to take 1’s or low dmg in 290, now I just need my weapon not to be sucky. Cause… link immune slows me down.

Now if only I could do something about my skeletons being as durable as peanut brittle.