Tree of Savior Forum

As a glass archer, should i re-enchant this HC?

That thing is beautiful. Don’t sell it D:

The defense ratio can only play against you in PvP. For the rest, if you solo, it won’t make a difference and in a party, as an archer, you won’t be close enough to targets for that to make a difference and bosses have unlimited aoe attacks anyway

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yeah, i thought with having 5 AOE def, enemy with 1-4 AOE attack won’t hit me. I’ve never been so wrong (ಥ_ಥ)
This is a bless for tank, but a curse for glass

what server are you on? i’ll be happy to buy that from you

I think you have zero reason to re-enchant it

1 - Buy a random headgear and enchant it
2 - that’s not a rare headgear, given free for every character
3 - if you’re going to re enchant, might as well do step 1, some good looking headgears are free with chests so…

Oh, right! i totally forgot that i can buy that in the market. Thanks!
@Nicola it will gimps your DPS, greatly, will you still wear it?

For my Cryo Chrono silly :stuck_out_tongue:

Where’s that info come from? I don’t think High ADR’s a 1st target.

The priority target on this game have to be Main Target>Nearly Target(Or just random)>List

But if you are a 1st target it’s possible other guy will not hit by that aoe attack because your enemy skill run out of AAR.

I agree with other if you don’t like it just sell it not re-enchant.

i got that info from tos wiki and AOE Defense Ratio; the strongest GvG stat perhaps?

I see then It maybe like that. I feel like I want to try. I also have 4ADR on my head gear too (1750HP, 120 crit ATK, 4ADR). But it’s alway hit everyone lol.

Easy way to try pvp 1v2 ranger vs the guy with 5ADR and other one with 1 ADR. If barrage alway hit only the one who have 5ADR then it will be like that.

that hp+crit atk in 1 HC… (heavy breathing)
how to appraise HC? what i know the most sought stat are:
-ofensive stat
-defensive stat

It’s really hard to apprise right now. You need to check min max of that stats too.
For example my headgear have crit attack but it low. Hp also low.

somehow if you got 3 high offensive stats or 2offensive stats+1defendsive stats or something like HP2000+ def100+ mdef100+ maybe price will higher than movement speed/AAR.

I’m not sure anyway lol.

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why 100*1.5 = 250 = =

if you want to compare atk in head gear than use highest value for now to compare.

it’s 126p-atk vs 180crit attack

189 critdmg vs 180 crit dmg.

p-atk also multiply with glass mole card 1st.

yes for head gear p-atk is the winner

but somehow light-dark element is better in some case.
-they can use with every class.
-It’s pretty good for auto attack.

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Physical attack was better than critical attack before the update. The update increased both stats by the same % -> physical attack is still better, but by a bit bigger margin

Murmillos will love that!

Anyways, if you’re mostly soloing, it’s great to have that on switch in case you need that extra pDef boost.

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150% of 100 is 150. Not 250… And the margin depends on your crit. I don’t want to be the people’s calculator when it’s so simple. I might eventually make an excel though

It’s good for soloing… I have a def/mdef set so I can solo the high level dungeons without taking damage. Already big enough to take 1’s or low dmg in 290, now I just need my weapon not to be sucky. Cause… link immune slows me down.

Now if only I could do something about my skeletons being as durable as peanut brittle.