Tree of Savior Forum

Armband - Event Reward

Server Name: EU
Team Name: Capibara

So I thought the Armband had a poor design as the pattern with which it is decorated is to light, but then I equipped in my QS together with the costume and…

It grows!! Its a light bug, but its a reward from the first awesome event that happened, it would be a shame if I could not use it.
Dont have other costumes to test with tough, but might happened with others.

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it´s kind of cool tough XD

I can’t see mine with my Chaplain costume on :frowning:

I’ve found out if you have the smaller version and you wep swap it actually goes to you arm

I know why IMC gave us this Armband lol it’s because it’s awful, doesn’t look cool AT ALL. I definitely won’t equip this.

Would look beautiful on my Feather Foot with his class costume. Too bad it’s untradable and not on that character lol

Took me some good seconds to identify where it was xD

Points for them for making events and trying, but the design on both the armband and the helmet were really big fails for me :-/